Saturday, June 18, 2022

Gel-A-toeS-Natural Nursery


Gel-A-toeS-Natural Nursery

Hi Friends!

I got some really exciting news today from my mommy! She told me that any day now my new baby sister will be arriving, So we had to finish setting up the room. I am going to be sharing my bedroom for a little while so I just had to make it extra special.

We all know how scary it can be at night time when the lights go out and everyone in the house is asleep. But! I had a plan so my new baby sister would never gets scared.

Once daddy had finished putting together the furniture, It was time to decorate. Mommy put on matching bedding that I have on my bed and an extra comfy pillows. I hung up my favorite moon and stars on the wall, mommy always had a story about how she loved her kids to the moon and back and when the darkness hits the sky, never fear as the stars will always appear and light up the room. So at night if I woke up scared I would always see the moon and stars and never be scared.

Once that was done and mommy and daddy went back downstairs to get some more baby stuff to bring up, I decided to try out this new bed. You see I begged my daddy to put a little bed next to my new baby sisters crib so I could always see her and her see me. Us girls got to stick together and I wants her to know I will always be right by her side. 

I grabbed my favorite teddy and crawled onto my new bed, Ohhh..this is comfy! As I lay my head down I whispered to teddy.."We are just going to wait right her till baby sister arrives".

This Natural Nursery was created by Gel-A-toeS and is available at KIDOODLED Event going on now through the 23rd. 

~Product Information~

These beds come inside packs with both the AV and Zooby Animesh Compatible versions included.  

All beds/Cribs all have props that rez via the menu 

AV beds have single sleep animations

Zooby Beds: Toddler bed for Toddler Zooby only and crib for newborn zooby only.

350L$ Each or FatPack for 500L$

FatPack includes both bed and crib with AV and zooby versions

(4 total)

Luna Rosa-Sweet Ice Cream

Luna Rosa-Sweet Ice Cream

 Hi friends!

Whoa!!!! Is it a hot day out today! 

Thank goodness Mommy had plans to take us to the pool today. First we had to pack a bag with all our summer must haves, Mommy says don't forget the sunblock! I let out a little aweee because that stuff makes my skin all oily and stuff, But mommy says it's not about how it looks. It is about protecting our skin from the sun rays and not getting burned while outside.

As I was packing my bag, I decided to call a few of my friends to come with us. I knew they would be so happy to come along with mommy and I as it was so hot. Mommy was sure to pack extra snacks and juice boxes for all of us. She even mentioned that we will get some ice cream after we go swimming!

YAY!! I loves ice cream =) specially on days like today! 

Which reminded me! I got a new swimsuit from Nana to wear. It is perfect for today and one of my new favorites. 

Let me tell you about it quick before we leave to head to the pool!

It was created by Luna Rosa and the theme is!! Sweet Ice Cream, It comes in 4 different flavor colors Chocolate-Mint-Strawberry and Vanilla with 2 color cone options for each color. You can purchase them separately for only $100L each or grab the FatPack for $350L. It is sized for Toddleedoo and is available only at KIDOODLED Event which is going on now through the 23rd.

Also while your visiting Luna Rosa's booth you can also get this adorable Ice Cream Plushie with animation in White as shown or also there is a Pink one  for only $25L!! Super cute and perfect to go along with your new swimsuit.

Well I don't know about you,
But I am ready to head out to the pool!
Have a great day and stay cool out there in this heat!

Monday, June 6, 2022

Sherbert-Full Perm Ankylosaur Plushie

[Sherbert] Full Perm Ankylosaur Plushie

 Hi Friends!

I am so excited, I have so many plans and fun projects I want to do this summer, I couldn't wait this is the first weekend of my summer vacation from school, and I already had my first project planned to make. Let me tell you all about it! 

Your going to love this Full Perm Ankylosaur Plushie! For my project idea I am going to makes them all different colors to match my room, I added some pastel fabric textures to mine. I made them in a few different sizes like a little dinosaur family =) 

I think they are going to love their colors and new place I am going to set up for them in my room later. But first I need to make some more!

Maybe my mommy will let me redo my bedroom into a jungle theme with all my new friends, How cool would that be!!

This fullperm kit includes Plushie/AO Maps/UV Maps and Sample Textures. 

Its was created by Sherbert and is available exclusively at KIDOODLED event going on now through June 23rd.  



Special Price - 25L$