Friday, May 21, 2021

Reina Photography-Skoo10


Reina Photography-Skoo10
4 Pose Pack

Hi Everyone! It's me Kaycee here to show you this awesome new find I got today. 

While out and about shopping I came across this amazing store called Reina Photography, This place has some amazing poses with prop scenes included. There are poses for Families, Friends, Kids, Singles and Couples. I spent some time there looking around and I saw a lot that caught my little eyes. This one in particular called Skoo10-4 Pose pack which included the scene with rocking horse prop, 4 different poses and animations, Makes for great pictures! 

I simply love this pack as it reminded me of going over to my grandparents house on a Sunday afternoon to visit, They didn't have a whole lot of kids toys there that us kids would normally play with at home, but my grandpa had brought down from the attic his favorite toy when he was a kid a vintage wooden rocking horse similar to this one here. He said he would sit on it everyday and pretend he was out in the field riding his horse while dressed up as a little cowboy, and when he grew to big for it his mom my great grandma didn't want to get rid of it so she had saved it for one day he could pass down to his kids and their kids.  




~Skoo10-4 Pose pack

-Includes: Scene & Prop, Pose, Animations

~Created By: Reina Photography 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Kinderstrudle-Essy Outfit-Blue Roses

Kinderstrudle-Essy Outfit-Blue Roses

Today was our Mommy Daughter day! We had the whole day to do whatever we wanted to do. I was so happy we finally after a long week with busy schedules it was surely time to have some down time, Just my mommy and me. We decided we were going to go to our favorite spot on the grid and have a picnic. So while mommy packed up our picnic basket I went and put on one of my favorite dresses. My mommy loves spring when all the flowers bloom, So this dress was perfect its from Kinderstrudle and its called Essy Outfit-Blue Roses. It has these beautiful blue roses on it made with super soft fabric and comes with white tights to wear under it and shiny matching shoes. It fits me perfect as it comes in my size TD Fitted, Definitely a kind of outfit every little girl needs in her closet! 

As I made my way back downstairs to the kitchen, Mommy was all finished packing our lunch and it was time to head out. Mommy carried the basket and we both put on our sunglasses and off we went.
We arrived at our special spot, Mommy laid a blanket down for us to sit on and eat her famous peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Yummy!! I was sure to save my crust from my sandwich to feed our little friends when we were finished. 

As we ate our lunch we got to watch the ducks play in the water at our pond, They were having so much fun splashing around with each other. I quickly took the last bite of my sandwich and asked mommy if we can feed them now. We picked up all of our picnic and put it all back in the basket so we could go sit closer to the ducks to feed them, Mommy found a perfect spot in between the flowers we could sit. We broke up the crust into tiny pieces and the ducks came swimming over our way. Here they all come mommy says! Quack Quack Quack......We hear as they swim over to us.
I look over to my mommy as we feed the ducks and whisper to her in her ear..."This is the best day ever" She Smiled at me and said.. "Everyday with you is the best day"

~Outfit Worn: Essy Outfit-Blue Roses

Includes: Dress/Tights/Shoes (TB Fitted)
~Creator: Kinderstrudle

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Kinderstrudle-Sunshine Outfit-Daddy's Princess

Kinderstrudle-Sunshine Outfit-Daddy's Princess

     So recently I been learning some new tricks in the book, I got to tell you this one because I think it might just be the best one yet! I am gonna give it a try later, But first let me tell you the trick my mommy taught me giggles. 

Before I tell you though let me just say there is this really new and exciting event called Kidoodle that is going to be starting soon and I have been working really hard at saving my allowance to be able to go there and go on a shopping spree! But my daddy says that if I really want something in life I have to work really hard and earn it.. Ok, But I'm not cleaning litter boxes or taking out the trash eww! 

I needed a plan to earn some more money to go. So I thought hmm...Maybe I can ask my mommy how to reach my goal to save enough up without breaking a nail or dealing with stinky stuff.

This afternoon as mommy and I went out to town to do some errands she asked me if I wanted to stop at the bakery for a cupcake, I thought well duh...of course I wants sugar giggles. 

So after we finish all the errands we pulled into the bakery....Oh it smells like heaven I whispered as we got out of the car and headed inside. Once we got in there was a line we had to wait in and I thought well since we have to wait a few minutes it be the perfect time to ask mommy my question!

"Mommy, I was wondering something, I asked with a soft sweet little voice as i twirled my hair around my little finger."

Yes Sweetie what were you wondering, She replied

She so knew I was up to something by the look on her face as she looked down at me.

"Well I was wondering how do you earns extra money without having to so more chores or work more hours? I asked."

She giggled and said..

Well I usually bake something special that I know your Dad likes and surprise him, Then I ask him for his credit card.

My eyes open wide as I grin ear to ear thinking about mommy's response over in my head, As we hear next customer in line please.

I whisper to myself as mommy is ordering. That's It! 

As I tug on mommy's shirt and she leans over toward me. Mommy I need to order a dozen of those specialty donuts Daddy loves!

As we collected our order and headed back to the car, Mommy says to me, So sweetie what is your reasoning for getting your Dad those specialty donuts?

I turn to click in my seatbelt and whispered... I'm gonna try your money trick!

~Outfit Worn: Sunshine Outfit-Daddy's Princess

(Comes in TD Fitted)

~From: Kinderstrudle

Kinderstrudle-Thea Dress


Kinderstrudle-Thea Dress

        Today was the big day! My brother is finally coming home from his fishing adventure out in the big blue sea. He's been gone for 3 months! I wonder how many fish they caught? Last time mommy spoke to him he said they had really bad storms out there and was watching waves crash into the big boat that was taller then me! oh my goodness can you imagine that. My brother is super braves for sure!

So today I got up extra early this morning and looked for my special dress that my brother had got me before he left for his adventure. I remembered it was so cute and the fabric was so softs, I loved it so much. He had told me he found this one store called Kinderstrudle when he was out shopping for some things for his trip and he just had to stop in there and get me something special before he left. He said i would love this store so much they have a lot of nice outfits I would want them all! But he said once he saw the Thea Dress he knew it was so me and had to buy it. So I wanted to wear it today! I quickly got dressed and it fit so perfect! It even came with matching shoes!

Once I was all dressed I ran into my mommy's room and asked her to do up my hair pretty and I handed her my brush and elastics. She smiled as she did my hair, Though I was so antsy I couldn't wait to see my big brother and show him our newest member of the family Lucy. Lucy is just a baby still but she loves to walk around places with me and even sleeps in my room. Mommy is letting me train her a little bit so I asked her if could bring Lucy with us to the docks to surprise my brother. She said of course you can, He would love that I am sure. My brother loves dogs and always wanted mommy to let us get one so this is gonna be the greatest surprise!

As we arrived at the docks, Lucy followed me right along, She's doing so goods listening! I think she was just as excited as me giggles. We picked the perfect spot to wait and watch for the boat to come in to shore. As we waited anxiously for my brother's ship to arrive, Mommy was snapping pictures of me and Lucy as she loves to do. OH WAIT!!! I see his boat mommy!!! Look over there! I yelled and jumped up and down happily. There it is! There it is!! 

Outfit Worn-Thea Dress-Black Katiert Mini Pack

( Comes with 2 Dress options and Shoes in sizes TDF & BB)

From: Kinderstrudle