Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Little Attitudez-Spirit Outfit


Little Attitudez-Spirit Outfit


Shh...don't tell my brother on me!

Today while everyone was outside it was the perfect chance for me to sneak back in the house. I just had to get my brother back for stealing my snacks I had hidden in my room! The nerve of him snooping around in my room without asking. 

So...It was payback time for sure!

I knew it was him as I saw him yesterday day acting suspicious as he was coming down the hallway from my from my room. When I had asked him what he was doing, He claimed he only went in there to borrow some crayons and paper to draw.

Then last night I had a really bad sweet tooth in the middle of the night, So I went to my secret stash in my room to get a snack...And they were all gone! All that was left was some empty wrappers..

While I made my way into the house without anyone seeing me, I just had to quickly grab some things. Don't worry he will never know until he goes running in his room when mommy makes her rounds to our bedrooms making sure we have cleaned up our messes before she gives us dessert after dinner.

With a big evil grin on my face is was time to cause some mischief! First I grabbed a few dirty things from the kitchen sink, Then well.. Lets just say I dragged the whole kitchen trash bag down the hall to my brothers room. Oh, I almost forgot we definitely need some water and bubbles to add in here. I will grab the bubble bath bottle out of the bathroom and a bucket of water, swish it around and "accidently" spill it right where he is going to step to go up to his ladder for bedtime... giggles!! This is great! 

Kaycee where are you??.... Oh no mommy is looking for me! I quickly sneak out of my brothers room and run to the bathroom. "One second mommy I am washing my hands, Be right there " I quickly yell back. 

As I open the door and make my way back outside to mommy all innocently.... Phew....That was close! I almost got busted.

Now we wait for my brother to see his surprise.. Next time I think he will learn to ask first, Well I hope anyway or we will have to get him back even better!

~My outfit I am wearing was created by Little Attitudez. It is called Spirit and is available in Blue, Pink, Purple and Yellow. Each color available has a different saying on the shirt. I picked this one as it was just to perfect for what I was doing... Giggles. The outfits come with sizes TD-BEBE-YOUTH and TWEENEEDOO. The Spirit outfit is also at a bargain of a price for only $199L. You can find Them at the KIDOODLED Event going on now through the 27th.~

Monday, September 13, 2021

MonPetit-GirlTeam Outfit

MonPetit-GirlTeam Outfit

Hi Friends!
Today was so much fun! I got to go over to my aunts house with my mommy to visit after my soccer practice. She just got two new doggies!! I couldn't wait to see them.

My aunt was so excited, She has always wanted to get a dog for as long as I could remember!

When mommy and I arrived I could hear the doggies in the backyard.
I quickly said Hi to my aunty and made a run for the backyard to see them. Oh my goodness!!!

They were so cute! They both were running around playing in the grass. I think they like their new home for sure. 

My aunt and mommy came into the backyard behind me as they were chatting away. I asked my aunt what the new doggies names were, As they were jumping all around me wagging their tails.
She said the white one with black spots is named Max and the all white one is a girl and her name is Molly.

As, I turned around to go run off and play with the doggies, My aunt says "And how are you doing my sweet niece?" I am good aunty, I replied. I heard you tried out for soccer at school, Did you have fun? She asked. I did, It was so much fun! Check out our cute uniform aunty! "Oh, I was looking at your uniform, It is very cute for sure sweetie". She replied.

We even learned a cool new trick want to see? I replied. I quickly ran to mommy's car to get my soccer ball.

Check this out aunty!! A took my soccer ball and as I tilted my head back. They trick is to place the soccer ball just so onto your head and balance it. You can't let it fall. It is harder then it sounds!
That is awesome niece, My aunty says.

Just wait till next week, We are gonna learn the next part of the the trick. Which is to not only balance it like this but you have to bounce it off your head into the air and be able to catch it back on your head. I think that is gonna be so hard but I can't wait to learns!

~My super cute outfit was created by MonPetit and is called GirlTeam. It comes with the top and shorts along with a HUD you can choose from 5 colors. It comes with sizes, Fitted-BB-BB CHONK and TODDLEEDOO. You can find this super cute outfit at KIDOODLED Event going on now.~

Friday, September 10, 2021

Kinderstrudle-Jane Dress-Rainbows


Kinderstrudle-Jane Dress-Rainbows

PSSsssssttt!! Come here quick, I got to show you what I found!

I rushed out the back door of my house so quick that I even forgot my shoes!

As I was out in my backyard running around playing. I was so excited to see all the tree colors changing and leaves falling down making big piles. Then something caught my little eyes...

What is that over there so big and bright? I just had to wander off and take a closer look...Oh my goodness!! PUMPKINS!!!!

I quickly ran over to the garage and grabbed my wagon. I cant wait to show my brother what I found in our backyard! He will be so excited, He just loves fall season and decorating pumpkins and jumping in the big leaf piles.

As I gathered a few pumpkins I quickly realized some of them get sooo heavy. Maybe I should of ran inside to tell him then he could of helped me, But then I thought, I can do this and surprise him!

I managed to lift 3 pumpkins into my wagon. I think this is going to take a few trips, So I can get a pumpkin for everyone. 

Ok, 3 at a time is going to have to do. Now to see if I can pull my wagon all the way back to the house!

This Dress was created by Kinderstrudle and is called Jane. It is available in a few different designs. I am wearing Jane Dress-Rainbows. It includes a bunch of sizes TD, BB, Chonk, Youth, Youth Petite, Youth Chonk, TweeneeDoo. The dress is a bargain price too!! Get this... Only $75L!

You can find this really adorable dress at KIDOODLED Event going on now. 

Reina Photography-SK0051


Reina Photography-SK0051

Hi my friends!

So today was a fun day at school, I couldn't wait to go home and tell my mommy all about my day and all the fun things we made in art class. Who knew how much fun finger paints and a sheet of blank paper could be! We mixed different colors together to get new colors. We made handprints and rainbows too. My friends mommy even supplied us with white t-shirts so we could decorate each others shirts to bring home as a keepsake. My art teacher even said soon we will be working on Halloween activities that we will be able to take home and show to our family and friends next time.

Well after I got off the school bus I had to walk a little way down the road to get to my house so I thought I would take a walk through the little gardens and maybe pick some flowers for my mommy to surprise her.

As I was walking through I noticed some little white fluffy things floating in the air, I just had to take a closer look on where it was coming from.

I got to the middle of this grass patch and I saw some dandelions swaying in the breeze. Ohhhh!! we just have to pick one of those!

My grandma always told me that dandelions are super special. If you hold them just right in your hand and face the sun and breeze. Then think of a special wish. It can be anything you want to wish for. Once you thought of your wish you put your lips together like a kissy face and take a big breath and blow gently onto the dandelion. You will see the dandelion start to magically float through the air towards the sun. Grandma says, That is your wish traveling to a magical place where wishes get granted.

After I made my wish and watch the magic float away in the breeze, I heard my mommy calling me..... Oh! I got to go now before mommy gets worried!

This special pose was created by Reina Photography it is called SK0051. It includes pose and scene for your special picture. It is available at KIDOODLED Event going on now!