Friday, August 20, 2021

Bumble Bee Boutique-Elephants


Bumble Bee Boutique-Elephants
Hi Friends!

So after such a long crazy day of running around and playing I needed to rest, My little feet were so tired... I decided to find a nice quiet spot to sit down at and read a book. But before I opened my book my new little friends wanted to join me for a story. Let me tell you about my new friends I made earlier today!

These little guys here are my new friends Snorky and Stampy the elephants. They were created by Bumble Bee Boutique. They are like twins they come together in the pack. One of then fly's right above your shoulder while the other takes a little snooze on your head.... giggles. 

The Elephants I found them at KIDOODLED Event and for a really good deal of just $150L.

They are so cute how could I say no to them joining me for a story! Even though one decided to start snoozing as soon as I opened the story book! He must be really comfy up there! 

Now lets sit back and relax and read, Hopefully I can stay awake for the whole story and not start snoozing like my little friends up there. Giggles.........

Little Attitudez-Isla Outfit-White


Little Attitudez-Isla Outfit-White

Hi Friends, Its me again! 

Today I was wide awake first thing this morning, I could hear the birds singing outside and the sun shining through my window. I thought today is going to be a good day!

I decided to jump up and plan to go out to the gardens and visit some of my critter friends. But first I needed to find something to wear on this sunny happy day. I opened my closet doors to find a dress. I am looking for a certain one I just got at KIDOODLED Event the other day when I went shopping with my friends. Let me tell you about it while I'm looking...You are going to just love it!

It was created by Little Attitudez which we all know makes super cute stuff. This new one they made is the Isla Outfit and it comes in a few different colors, I picked the white. But you can get it in not only White but also in Pink, Yellow or Purple. It includes the dress with matching sandals and headband and you also get bracelets too! It comes with 2 sizes TD and Bebe and at a great bargain price! Only $200L each. 

Ok, now that I found it in my closet and put it all on, I am ready to head outside to the gardens.

I do hope I see my critter friends out playing today. Sometimes they like to play hide and seek.

Every time I do go out to the gardens I like to pick a dandelion and blows it in the wind to make a wish!


Baby Bug's Boutique-Fern Outfit


Baby Bug's Boutique-Fern Outfit
Hi Friends!

It is a beautiful day outside today! I am currently on vacation with my family at our beach house and so far it has been so much fun here. I got to go a few new places around the town we stay at this time which was great! 

We had done a bit of shopping before we left for our vacation, It is kind of a tradition to plan a day to all go out and buy new outfits to wear. This time before we left we stopped over at KIDOODLED Event for me. I found this really cute outfit created by Baby Bug's Boutique called Fern. I just loved it so of coarse I grabbed the Fatpack with the exclusive! I just had to have it, All the patterns are so cute and summery but this one! The Exclusive-Sunshine is my favorite. Each one comes with matching sneakers and socks too so you don't have to worry about trying to find a shoe to match! The Fern Outfits you can also purchase separately for only $125L each, Or you can grab the Fatpack like I did for only $450L. Each one comes with 2 sizes also TDB Fitted and Bebe Fitted.

Here let me show you a sneak peak to see them all!


I just think there are all so cute! You definitely want to hurry down and grab them at the event.
Well I should head back to the family but first I need to make a video call with my grandma to show her all this cuteness!  See you all soon!

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sherbert-Silly Cookie & Monkey Plushie

Sherbert-Silly Cookie & Monkey Plushie

 Hi Friends!

Step on in and grab a seat to join us for an very important meeting I go to called Fluffs & Stuffs. We are just a group of friends who like to get together and plan things to share with the other fluffers and kids here in town. We like to plan out a special day a month to hang out and share our new favorites whether it is a new toy or snack or outfit. Really anything that brings us happiness and can share.

Tonight we have 2 new things from Sherbert we found at KIDOODLED that we are bringing to our table for a vote, If the vote passes they will be at our next special day coming up! Let me show you what we got.

First up we have a Silly Sugar Cookie. They come in a FullPerm kit created by Sherbert. They include AO map, Textured and Un-Textured cookies. They have a little silly face on them which will for sure make you giggle. We grabbed these for only $25L!!

Next up we have a Monkey Plushie. This is also a FullPerm kit created by Sherbert. It includes AO map, Textured and Un-Textured Monkey Plushie. These I think are going to be a big hit too for both the fluffers and kids! We grabbed these for only $25L!!

Ok now that you know what we are to vote on lets get settled and begin. 

Alright it is time for first vote.. Passes everyone a Silly Sugar Cookie. These I believe will be a perfect snack for everyone. I think everyone will get some giggles and woofs for sure when they see the silly face too!

All in favor of Silly Sugar Cookie at our next special day! Woof, Woof, Woof, Yes!! Passed \O/

Alright next up for vote we have a Monkey Plushie.. Holds it up and shows everyone. These I also believe will be perfect for everyone! The kids can all have a special plushie to bring home with them to cuddle and our fluffer friends will have a new toy to play with maybe we can even add in a squeaker for them too! 

All in favor of Monkey Plushie at our next special day! Woof, Woof, Woof, Yes!! Passed \O/

That concludes our meeting for tonight, Thank you all for joining us and helping to vote on our new favorites to bring on our special day! Be sure to take a few cookies and a plushie home with you!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Wyld Panda-Katie Romper

Wyld Panda-Katie Romper

 Hi there! 

Today was a really fun day out at the town beach. I got to tag along with my sister and of coarse the doggies!! 

I was so excited to go! I wore one of my new outfit's I got at KIDOODLED yesterday. It was created by Wyld Panda and is called Katie Romper. I got it in Blue! It also comes in White and Red too, They were a great bargain, I grabbed it for only $75L! But you can get them all in a Fatpack for just $150L. I bet you are going to want these as much as I did and they are in sizes TD/BEBE/YOUTH/TWEENEEDOO, They are super soft and perfect for this warm weather we been having.

When we arrived at the town beach we had made sure to go extra early in the day to beat the crowd. Which turned out perfect. I got to run around in the sand with the doggies and we played frisbee, Their such good catchers! But mans was I exhausted after all that running around. I asked my sister if we could get an ice cream to cool off. 

As I got my strawberry ice cream cone I could see the doggie's getting really excited and jumping up and down with their tails wagging like crazy. My sister started to laugh as she turned to give them their own ice cream cone! Oh my goodness what a treat for them, They got their very own cone! As I started to lick mine before it melts one of the dogs was moving in closer to me he really wanted another ice cream! So when my sister wasn't looking I shared mine with him, Good thing I got a big scoop!