Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Sherbert-Silly Cookie & Monkey Plushie

Sherbert-Silly Cookie & Monkey Plushie

 Hi Friends!

Step on in and grab a seat to join us for an very important meeting I go to called Fluffs & Stuffs. We are just a group of friends who like to get together and plan things to share with the other fluffers and kids here in town. We like to plan out a special day a month to hang out and share our new favorites whether it is a new toy or snack or outfit. Really anything that brings us happiness and can share.

Tonight we have 2 new things from Sherbert we found at KIDOODLED that we are bringing to our table for a vote, If the vote passes they will be at our next special day coming up! Let me show you what we got.

First up we have a Silly Sugar Cookie. They come in a FullPerm kit created by Sherbert. They include AO map, Textured and Un-Textured cookies. They have a little silly face on them which will for sure make you giggle. We grabbed these for only $25L!!

Next up we have a Monkey Plushie. This is also a FullPerm kit created by Sherbert. It includes AO map, Textured and Un-Textured Monkey Plushie. These I think are going to be a big hit too for both the fluffers and kids! We grabbed these for only $25L!!

Ok now that you know what we are to vote on lets get settled and begin. 

Alright it is time for first vote.. Passes everyone a Silly Sugar Cookie. These I believe will be a perfect snack for everyone. I think everyone will get some giggles and woofs for sure when they see the silly face too!

All in favor of Silly Sugar Cookie at our next special day! Woof, Woof, Woof, Yes!! Passed \O/

Alright next up for vote we have a Monkey Plushie.. Holds it up and shows everyone. These I also believe will be perfect for everyone! The kids can all have a special plushie to bring home with them to cuddle and our fluffer friends will have a new toy to play with maybe we can even add in a squeaker for them too! 

All in favor of Monkey Plushie at our next special day! Woof, Woof, Woof, Yes!! Passed \O/

That concludes our meeting for tonight, Thank you all for joining us and helping to vote on our new favorites to bring on our special day! Be sure to take a few cookies and a plushie home with you!

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