Saturday, June 12, 2021

Sherbert-Doll House #1-Fullperm

Sherbert-Doll House #1-Fullperm


        Hello there! Come on in, Please excuse the bit of mess in my craft room today. I decided since it was kind of a gloomy rainy day outside it would be a perfect time to work on some crafts. I have been meaning to get started on my new project and I am hoping it comes out great.

Here let me show you what I am working on =)

So as you can see I have gathered all my supplies. Paints, Brushes, Some scraps of wallpaper and scissors, Also some little tiny furniture. Oh and of coarse I brought in a roll of paper towels incase I make a mess.

And, This here is the project! My very first Doll House that I am designing for my new dollies. I think they are going to love it when its all done up for them. 

I found this at the KIDOODLED Event the other day and I just had to have it. It is created by Sherbert and its called Doll House #1. It comes fullperm so you can be able to decorate it however you wish! It also includes AO and UV maps so you can further your design in other programs if you wanted to. They also include a inside and outside texture if you want to use them for and idea! But, get this! It is only $50L!! Can you believe that bargain! 

This is definitely a must have! I mean can you imagine being able to create your very own doll house for your dollies! The possibilities are endless and you can really let your imagination soar with this, And best of all it gets to be an original something unique of your own for them.  

Now, That you have seen my new project in progress, I am going to get to painting! Lots to do and I have a million ideas on each room and colors I want to use. This is so exciting! I hope you all go grab this and do some neat doll houses of your own too!


Baby Bug's Boutique-Meadow Outfit


Baby Bug's Boutique-Meadow Outfit

    Hi There! What another beautiful day it is out today, The sun is shining and the birds are chirping away singing songs from high up in the trees. 

I thought what a perfect day for a walk, Some time to enjoy the outdoors and all the calm. No work just so much needed me time.

You see a lot of us get all caught up in the everyday craziness with all we do rather it is working, building, sports or taking care of our family. That while we all do the best we can each day to juggle our everyday lives, We often forget to stop and take a few moments for ourselves to relax and breathe and just enjoy the calmness that we so quickly forget exist. 

These few moments give us time to let our busy brain slow down for a few moments and really reflect on our thoughts and time to think out complicated situations. It helps us to slow down even just for a little bit. Even if its to just take a deep breath  and put our feet up. It allows us care free time. Which I find is very helpful, A reminder of sorts that we all don't need to race through life doing 120mph and that it is ok to go at our own pace and really enjoy the time and moments in each day. 

So, Take the time to have these moments each day and create memories that we can forever remember. Take time to be kind to each other when on the go and even during the crazy times never forget to smile. Even when you may think or feel over overwhelmed or things are not good enough. Never give up. Allow yourself to remember you are enough even when you may not feel like you are. Appreciate the little things it doesn't matter how small it may be. Most of all, Be yourself. No matter what others may say or think about you, If you are true to yourself the best is yet to follow you on your journey.

With all I have thought about today the most important thing is to allow yourself to be happy! 

Which brings me to my little things of the day which made me very happy. My new outfit called Meadow Outfit-Bee Happy designed by Baby Bug's Boutique. It is perfect and a reminder too =)

The Meadow Outfit comes in 4 different styles (Bee Happy/Stay Wild/Flower Child/Free Spirit) which are all super cute. It includes Shirt, Shorts, Sneakers and Sunglasses for TDB Size, You can purchase them separately for $150L or grab them in a FatPack for only $450L. You can find them right now at the KIDOODLED Event. 

Friday, June 11, 2021

The Reckless Angel-Polka Dot Unicorn Bookshelf

The Reckless Angel-Polka Dot Unicorn Bookshelf

     Oh! Hi there, Do I have a story to tell you today! 

Before I tell you, Let me sit back down in my new reading corner in my room. I love my new little spot I put together for when I feel like some quiet time with a good story. Isn't it cute! Oh but don't mind my candy mess over here "giggles" I was trying to sneak a bag of mixed candy in my room, It didn't work out so well as when I went to open the bag all the candy went flying everywhere. I wonder if the 10 second rule applies to candy...hmm? I don't know but I will figure it out in a bit.

Did you see my new Polka Dot Unicorn Bookshelf behind me!! \O/ more unicorns! I just love it and it holds all the good story books and I even have some space on it to add more books as I get them. Its really well made  created by The Reckless Angel and get this it is only 3LI and it is copy! Plus it is a bargain at only $75L!! They also created a Dinosaur one too if you like Dinosaur's. I found it at the KIDOODLED Event that is going on now till the 27th.

Anyway.. I was sitting here reading one of my favorite stories and as I am reading about these dwarfs it got me to thinking. The dwarf Sneezy is always sneezing, He must have really bad allergies and go through a lot of tissues! I mean if you constantly sneezing and wiping your nose right? I think he should invest in some kind of stock for a tissue company don't you think?

Then there is one called Bashful, He is always blushing and his cheeks all red and sparkly eyes. I wonder if he realizes that even his ears flutter too!

Then this one Grumpy.. Well I don't know about you but to be grumpy all day? No thank you! I am thinking maybe he just has resting grump face and needs some cake and candy to cheer him up!

I love stories like this, when you can actually read about the different characters and how they have their own personalities. It makes it ever more interesting!

Definitely keeping this favorite book of mine in my collection on my new bookshelf!

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Baby Talk Shop-Sunny Jumpsuit

Baby Talk Shop-Sunny Jumpsuit

     Good morning! The sun is shining and the flowers are blooming everywhere. I woke up extra early today to help grandpa out at the farm. Well I wouldn't quite say I was much of a help, But I love visiting all the animals! especially the little pigs, they are just so cute and growing fast. They get so excited when they see grandpa and I they start oinking like crazy! giggles.. I think they know its breakfast time.

This morning was actually a special day, It's my grandma's birthday! She say on her birthday every year she turns 25 and that girls never actually get old and when you reach 25 you just stay that age forever. But grandpa does get old? He says he is as old as the dinosaurs. I wonder if that is just  make believe story or if it is true. hmm... shrugs, Either way today is a special day and on special days we have cake! So I am super excited, I love cake!

So I had already put on my new favorite outfit for today its so pretty and perfect for today! My grandma just loves pink just like me. It was a little cooler outside so this was just perfect. I got this Sunny Jumpsuit as a thank you gift from my neighbor for helping her the other day do some gardening. 

My jumpsuit was designed by Baby Talk Shop. It comes in 8 colors for a bargain price of $150L each or you could buy the fatpack which you get 2 exclusive prints! and it is at the KIDOODLED Event too!

I think my grandma will just love it! But before we go surprise her for her special day, I want to pick her some of her favorite sunflowers, She loves them too! I think they would be so nice on her table.

Giggles as I hear the little pigs oinking, I think they approve of this bunch I picked!

I patted the little pigs and whispered... "See you later" and headed back to the house to surprise grandma.

Little Wonderland-Unicorn Shirt

Little Wonderland-Unicorn Shirt

     Another warm day out today! But wow talk about busy. I had so many things I had to get done today, But all I could think about was I can't wait to go home and relax and watch the sun go down. Maybe even take a little snooze out on the patio. I have this favorite spot I love to relax at after a long day, It is so peaceful and I have the perfect company to sit back with. My unicorns! one of my favorite things to collect on my travels.

Once I got arrived home from my busy day, I changed into some comfy clothes. I have these super soft cotton shorts I got awhile back that were perfect to throw on with my new Unicorn Shirt I got at the KIDOODLED Event. Of coarse it was a must have when I saw it at the Little Wonderland booth. It came in my size TD and included also Bebe size and you know me I love a bargain and this I grabbed for only $75L! \O/

Now that I was all changed into some comfy clothes I headed outside to the patio. I laid out my fuzzy unicorn blanket next to my favorite unicorns and leaned back. Ahhh.......Nice and relaxing!

It was almost to comfortable I caught myself starting to doze off for a little snooze, But I wanted to keep awake to watch the sunset.

Hmm not to sure i am going to make it that long..........zzzzzzz.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Kinderstrudle-Anny Outfit

Kinderstrudle-Anny Outfit

  Hi There! You want to hear what I did this afternoon, I had so much fun! I went Apple picking!

I have never been before, So when my grandma asked me if I wanted to go on a secret recipe mission with her I was surely curious. See my grandma always has the best apple pies she makes them from scratch but she won't give out her secrets on what she puts in them exactly. She always tells everyone "Oh you know the usually this and that and toss in apples and a dash of somethings" But she never gives her actual recipe. Sneaky grandma "giggles".

I was so excited and curious to see all she has to really do to make the best apple pie in the universe. But before we could head out I had to change into something more comfortable she said, Apparently wearing my dress up clothes and plastic high heels was not gonna fly for this mission!

I decided to wear another outfit she had got me at the KIDOODLED Event. Its a super cute outfit called Anny designed by Kinderstrudle. It fits perfect and comes in a few different fitted sizes, I am wearing TDF but it also comes with BB/Youth/Tweeneedoo too! And get this it even comes with these really cute ruffle socks and matching shoes! And yes! Bargain price of only $100L! \O/.

Ok, Now that I have changed lets go on grandma's secret mission.

I hop in the car and up into my booster seat and click my seatbelt, Grandma checks to make sure it is secured and closes the door.

"And we are off sweetheart" Grandma says, As she backs out of the driveway and heads down the road.

As we drove for what seemed like forever I just watched out the window trying to get some clues on where she was driving to. We took a left and then a right and another right. Are we going in a circle I wondered?

After a few more turns, We arrive at what looks like a field of trees?? this a trick. Grandma parks the car and says..."Ok sweetheart here is our first top secret place" I smiled as I undid my seat buckle. Grandma came around and opened my door, As I hop out of the car grandma holds out her hand to me and whispered "Now remember this is our secret mission" I wrap my little hand into grandma's hand and looked up at her and said, "But grandma, What is so secret about a bunch of trees?" She smiled and responded, "Oh you shall see grandbaby...come on lets go grab our bag"

Our bag? I wondered what we need a bag for? A tree cant fit in a little bag! 

We each grabbed a bag and started walking towards the trees down the grasses pathways. All of a sudden grandma stops "This is it!" she says. As I look around I say to grandma in a low tone voice, "This is what? all I see is rows and rows of trees." grandma giggled and said "Oh my sweet girl, Look up" as she pointed up into the tree. My mouth dropped open as I looked up and saw the biggest brightest red apples I have ever seen in my whole life. 

"You see those up there?" Grandma says to me. With my mouth still dropped open, I nodded my head. Those are the top secret ingredient in grandma's apple pie, All we have to do is pick them from the tree and fill our bags up. 

After we finished picking the big bright red apples it was time to head back to the car. On our walk back to the car I said "Grandma, why is these apples such a top secret ingredient in your apple pie? They are just apples and we could of saved a lot of time and got some at the grocery store" 

Well Sweet girl, As faster as it may have been to go to the grocery store and grab a bag of apples off the shelf.. They are not the same as these. I looked up at grandma a little confused.. "Well how come grandma they look the same as the store ones?" I asked.

Grandma smiled.. "These are picked with love" 

Crescent Dream Children's Boutique-Dotted Romper

Crescent Dream Children's Boutique-Dotted Romper

    Today was finally the here! I couldn't wait to go visit my grandma, As i was so happy to come see her new little friends who had arrived at her pond. She said they love to play in the water and walk around her yard and every time the momma would see my grandma out doing her gardening they would waddle on over to her.

When I arrived at my grandma's house I was so eager to go out in the yard by the pond, But first we had to go inside as grandma had a surprise for me. I love surprises!

Grandma greeted me at the door and picked me up right away giving the best hugs ever! She always is happy to see me as I am to see her, I gave her big hugs back and then off i went to look out the window as my mommy started to talk to grandma, All I could do was look out the window watching for the new little friends, Trying to see if I could see them from the window...hmm I wondered to myself if they were hiding in the tall grass I couldn't see them yet.

Grandma came walking into the living room and whispered, "Does my favorite grandbaby want her surprise" I quickly turned my head with a big smile. Yes! as I sat down on the sofa.

I quickly opened the bag and pulled out all the tissue papers, What can it be I wondered. I felt something soft and pulled it out slowly....ohhhh look at that I said as I unfolded it and held it up!

I smiled so big and said to grandma, Thank you Thank you I love it!

A brand new Dotted Romper to wear for the summer! Grandma says your very welcome sweetheart, I was was out doing some errands and came across this Event called KIDOODLED, and I had heard so many good things about the items there I had to stop in and have a look around. When I came across the Crescent Dream Children's Boutique booth the romper really caught my eye for you!

I smiled listening to grandma. 

She says, Well go on now and try it on. I grabbed my new romper and off to change I went.

The Dotted Romper fit perfect it came in sizes TDB and Bebe Toddler. It also included a HUD which let you choose between 6 different colors! I glanced at the price tag $50L! Wow grandmas got a bargain on this!

After I was dressed in my new romper I went running out to show grandma. Oh don't you look adorable she said as I gave her a big hug and thanked her again.

Grandma says, Well are we ready to go have a look for our new little friends outside?

Yes!! I said and headed to the door.


Monday, June 7, 2021

PandaJam-Flamingo Fun Swimsuit

PandaJam-Flamingo Fun Swimsuit

Hello Summer! It's that time of year finally, So grab your swim stuff and lets go to a pool party!

I have been looking forward to going all weekend, So I could wear my brand new Flamingo Fun Swimsuit designed by PandaJam! I love this swimsuit it fits perfect and of course it has pink and a bow!! They designed it in 5 colors to choose from. I'm wearing it in color white in size TDB. But it comes with sizes Youth/CH/TDB/BBB/CH and get this! it was only $100L. \O/ Bargain \O/

This swimsuit is another summer must have and is available now at KIDOODLED Event till the 27th of the month. So you got to head down there and grab it for summer!

Now that I told you about my swimsuit let's go take a splash in the pool.

Shall we? Great! Lets go!!

TWIN TINGS-Miah Dress-Ting Two


TWIN TINGS-Miah Dress-Ting Two

    Good afternoon everyone, It's me Kaycee here on this beautiful sunny day! Twirls around and strikes a pose, Look at my new beautiful outfit I got at KIDOODLED from the amazing designers of TWIN TINGS, I am going to wear it today for the garden tea party at my friends house today. But before I leave for the party let me tell you about my outfit! 

My dress is just beautiful, it has a double layer style to the bottom which I love as it covers underneath a little snug then has this sheer skirt on top that flows so nice. The top is long sleeve but not that heavy winter sweater material its light weight super soft fabric and at the top of the arms its open a little bit topped with a bow. My favorite thing! Bows!! It comes also with the matching bow for your hair, and to top off this its paired with these super cute sandals!

Now all who know me know I am a huge fan of everything pink, But wow oh wow this color blue caught my little eyes right away! 

They also designed another version of this outfit called Ting One which was beautiful too! They are both at KIDOODLED this month and I definitely saw it is a must have to add to your dress collection. They come in a few sizes too! TDB Fitted/Bebe Fitted/Bebe Chonk. Also, the sandals and hair bow are resizable! You can purchase them for a great price of $150L each. I love a bargain!

Oh! look at the time. I must head to my friends garden tea party, I can't wait to show them my new outfit. See you all again soon!

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Someone Stole My Sign-Happy Set


Someone Stole My Sign-Happy Set

                                     Ahhh.......Nice and relaxing!

After a long day shopping at the new KIDOODLED Event I needed to rest. It was still sunny and warm out this afternoon when I got home, So I decided to change into my swimsuit and catch some rays in my new Happy Set from Someone Stole My Sign. I just love this set I got, The chair is so comfy with 9 animations in it, The umbrella is just the right size for just enough shade on these sunny days! It also came with a beach bag which is big enough to hold all my summer needs.

What more could you possibly need on a day like this. 

Lays back as I throw my sunglasses on.. Bring on the baby tan!   

~Happy Set~

Includes-sun seat, umbrella and bag

copy mod no transfer 12LI as shown $199L

FLYING ARTS-Kids Lemonade Stand

FLYING ARTS-Kids Lemonade Stand

     Oh my goodness its hot outside! Today I woke up super early to go to my sisters house to go swimming. I have been waiting all year to be on vacation and swim in the pool! I put on my new swimsuit an grabbed my shades and towel and was ready to go.

We arrived at my sisters house and I quickly hopped out of the car and headed to the back yard. The sun was shining and I could smell the BBQ grilling yummy!! My first thought was POOL!!! I kicked off my flip flops and threw my towel down on my lounge chair. 

As I headed for the pool my sister yells "Don't forget your arm floats sissy", I stopped quick and ran back to my lounge chair to get them out of my bag. I quickly slipped them on my arms and off I went to cool off in the pool. 

I dipped my little toes in first to test the water, Burrr! its a little cold. I took a big breath and jumped in! I doggy paddled around kicking and splashing...Then I hear my sister yell "ice cold lemonade"

Oooo!! I thought I could use a drink, I love lemonade in the summertime.

I swam over to the steps of the pool and hopped out and headed over to the lemonade. My sister had this really cute set up for everyone to enjoy! 

I got a fresh cup of ice cold lemonade Yum!! cold and refreshing!

I said to my sister I loved her new set up she got for lemonade and where did she find this, I think mommy should get one for our house too!

She smiled and said oh! you have to check out the new event they have going on now called Kidoodled. Its a Kid through Tween monthly event and there are so amazing designers that are in it. 

She continued on and told me, This Kids Lemonade Stand is there at Kidoodled till June 27th and created by Flying Arts! It is copy/mod no transfer 4LI Menu temp rez drink kid, grownup, dinkies & tiny and only $99L!