Thursday, June 10, 2021

Little Wonderland-Unicorn Shirt

Little Wonderland-Unicorn Shirt

     Another warm day out today! But wow talk about busy. I had so many things I had to get done today, But all I could think about was I can't wait to go home and relax and watch the sun go down. Maybe even take a little snooze out on the patio. I have this favorite spot I love to relax at after a long day, It is so peaceful and I have the perfect company to sit back with. My unicorns! one of my favorite things to collect on my travels.

Once I got arrived home from my busy day, I changed into some comfy clothes. I have these super soft cotton shorts I got awhile back that were perfect to throw on with my new Unicorn Shirt I got at the KIDOODLED Event. Of coarse it was a must have when I saw it at the Little Wonderland booth. It came in my size TD and included also Bebe size and you know me I love a bargain and this I grabbed for only $75L! \O/

Now that I was all changed into some comfy clothes I headed outside to the patio. I laid out my fuzzy unicorn blanket next to my favorite unicorns and leaned back. Ahhh.......Nice and relaxing!

It was almost to comfortable I caught myself starting to doze off for a little snooze, But I wanted to keep awake to watch the sunset.

Hmm not to sure i am going to make it that long..........zzzzzzz.

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