Friday, June 11, 2021

The Reckless Angel-Polka Dot Unicorn Bookshelf

The Reckless Angel-Polka Dot Unicorn Bookshelf

     Oh! Hi there, Do I have a story to tell you today! 

Before I tell you, Let me sit back down in my new reading corner in my room. I love my new little spot I put together for when I feel like some quiet time with a good story. Isn't it cute! Oh but don't mind my candy mess over here "giggles" I was trying to sneak a bag of mixed candy in my room, It didn't work out so well as when I went to open the bag all the candy went flying everywhere. I wonder if the 10 second rule applies to candy...hmm? I don't know but I will figure it out in a bit.

Did you see my new Polka Dot Unicorn Bookshelf behind me!! \O/ more unicorns! I just love it and it holds all the good story books and I even have some space on it to add more books as I get them. Its really well made  created by The Reckless Angel and get this it is only 3LI and it is copy! Plus it is a bargain at only $75L!! They also created a Dinosaur one too if you like Dinosaur's. I found it at the KIDOODLED Event that is going on now till the 27th.

Anyway.. I was sitting here reading one of my favorite stories and as I am reading about these dwarfs it got me to thinking. The dwarf Sneezy is always sneezing, He must have really bad allergies and go through a lot of tissues! I mean if you constantly sneezing and wiping your nose right? I think he should invest in some kind of stock for a tissue company don't you think?

Then there is one called Bashful, He is always blushing and his cheeks all red and sparkly eyes. I wonder if he realizes that even his ears flutter too!

Then this one Grumpy.. Well I don't know about you but to be grumpy all day? No thank you! I am thinking maybe he just has resting grump face and needs some cake and candy to cheer him up!

I love stories like this, when you can actually read about the different characters and how they have their own personalities. It makes it ever more interesting!

Definitely keeping this favorite book of mine in my collection on my new bookshelf!

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