Saturday, June 12, 2021

Sherbert-Doll House #1-Fullperm

Sherbert-Doll House #1-Fullperm


        Hello there! Come on in, Please excuse the bit of mess in my craft room today. I decided since it was kind of a gloomy rainy day outside it would be a perfect time to work on some crafts. I have been meaning to get started on my new project and I am hoping it comes out great.

Here let me show you what I am working on =)

So as you can see I have gathered all my supplies. Paints, Brushes, Some scraps of wallpaper and scissors, Also some little tiny furniture. Oh and of coarse I brought in a roll of paper towels incase I make a mess.

And, This here is the project! My very first Doll House that I am designing for my new dollies. I think they are going to love it when its all done up for them. 

I found this at the KIDOODLED Event the other day and I just had to have it. It is created by Sherbert and its called Doll House #1. It comes fullperm so you can be able to decorate it however you wish! It also includes AO and UV maps so you can further your design in other programs if you wanted to. They also include a inside and outside texture if you want to use them for and idea! But, get this! It is only $50L!! Can you believe that bargain! 

This is definitely a must have! I mean can you imagine being able to create your very own doll house for your dollies! The possibilities are endless and you can really let your imagination soar with this, And best of all it gets to be an original something unique of your own for them.  

Now, That you have seen my new project in progress, I am going to get to painting! Lots to do and I have a million ideas on each room and colors I want to use. This is so exciting! I hope you all go grab this and do some neat doll houses of your own too!


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