Thursday, July 8, 2021

Baby Bug's Boutique-Alicia Outfit


Baby Bug's Boutique-Alicia Outfit

    Today was a cold rainy day outside, Bummer as I had plans to go to the park with my friends. But my mommy said it wouldn't be a good idea to go outside I could catch a cold, So maybe tomorrow the sun will be shining and we could all go then. I didn't think so, I do have rainboots and a raincoat I could wear and I am sure my friends and I would have fun jumping in puddles! But mommy always knows best.

So since I had to stay inside I figured I could just plop my little self up on the sofa with some snacks and watch cartoons all day. I wanted to beat my sister to the tv before she put on her drama soap opera shows, So I quickly went to my room and put on my new comfy outfit I had just got at KIDOODLED!

It is from one of my favorite stores called Baby Bug's Boutique and it is called Alicia Outfit, It comes in a few different patterns that are so cute, This one was my favorite though of coarse its rainbows!!

The outfits come with both TDB Fitted & BEBE Fitted sizes, You get the really comfy long sleeve shirt and Jeans. And get this, Each one is only $60L! or you can get the Fatpack for $450L which includes this Exclusive Rainbow one! Oh! and one more thing because you know I love a bargain.. giggles. If you are a group member you get a discount on top of those low prices!

Ok! come on quick I hear my sister down the hall and we still need to grab our snacks!

As I peek out my doorway I see the coast is clear and quickly make my way into the kitchen like a ninja, tip toeing quickly down the hall and quick turn as I cling to the wall! Phew...that was a close one. I make in to the snack drawer ooo cookies! grab a bag of those and OMG! I hear my mommy...Tuck n roll behind the kitchen island. Ok she is on the phone blabbing to my aunty, That will distract her a good while. I grab a juice out the fridge, I think we are all set now, to get to the sofa! Takes a deep breath and makes a run for it! 

I made it! plops up on the sofa with my snacks and my bear next to me, As I stretch out on the sofa. Now to find the cartoon channel and relax....

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