Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Popcorn Tree-Keeping Cool


The Popcorn Tree-Keeping Cool

    Hey There! What a fun day today was, I was talking on my phone with my friend earlier today and she was telling me all about her vacation and things her cousins have been coming up with to have fun this summer. 

She told me about this one game they played outside, It sounded like so much fun. I just had to try it out for myself!

First you got to have a jump rope not the plastic kind but a fabric rope kind. Then you have to go to the beach and find a big pile of fluffy sand and be sure its not wet. But before you head over to your sand you might want to put on some comfy play clothes. I chose me new outfit I got at KIDOODLED. It was created by The Popcorn Tree and is called Elephant Splash which is part of the Keeping Cool collection. There are 5 designs to choose from, Each one includes the T-Shirt and Shorts, But I love elephants so of coarse this was my pick. It came with a bunch of sizes they are,  FITTED: TD/Bebe/Bebe Chonk/ Youth/Youth Chonk/Youth Petite/TweeneeDoo, So I am sure it will fit just about everyone out there! But get this, If you can't decide which one you want, You can buy them all in a Fatpack. 

Ok so now I got my new outfit on and I am not going to wear shoes as my friend says if you do you will just sink in the sand or keep falling down. Lets grab our jump rope and head over to the beach, I know just the spot!

So the challenge is, You have to try to jump rope across the sand while singing the ABC's Song and who ever finishes the song without falling wins. Sounds simple right? I think it will be funny to see if we can make it through the whole alphabet without falling! All right.. Ready! Set! Go!!

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