Thursday, July 22, 2021

Wyld Panda-My Dino Blankie Gacha


Wyld Panda-My Dino Blankie Gacha

Shhh...Be very very quiet, Everyone is sleeping and it is so late! 

I was suppose to go to bed a long time ago when mommy tucked me in and read me a story, But I just couldn't go to sleep. I pretended to be sleeping after story time when mommy shut the light off. I just kept tossing and turning and couldn't get comfortable.

I waited a little while after she shut the lights out and I did try to go to sleep... Honestly I did. But I think I knew why I just couldn't fall asleep!

I had cake and cupcakes on my mind! You see earlier today mommy and me went out shopping at KIDOODLED Event, And I got a few new things there. But once we got home mommy had to do some baking for my sisters birthday tomorrow. She didn't want store bought cakes, She wanted mommy's special homemade cakes for her birthday... I don't blame her mommy's cakes are the best!

Anyway, Giggles... I knew after mommy made them she put them in the fridge. And she specifically told me "Do not touch those cakes little miss" Aweeee.....They came out so good and even had little candies on them! 

 So, as I am suppose to be sleeping, That was all I could think about! Cakes!! I am in for trouble, I just can't sleep without sneaking a little taste of them!

I got up from my bed and was sure to grab My Dino Blankie, I just loved my new blankie it was soo soft! It was created by Wyld Panda, They made a whole bunch of them. 10 actually, You can collect them all if you play the My Dino Blankie Gacha. Each one comes with 2 blankies. Drag Only-Hold Only and Scripted for both! 

After I grabbed my blankie and headed down the hallway, I was trying to be so quiet not to make noise. Then here comes my brothers dog Buster...... I whispered to him shhh... We have to be quiet. As he follows me to the kitchen. I think he knew I was heading for a late night snack is why he followed along with me.

Once we got into the kitchen I had to quietly push the chair over to the fridge. I should of just brought my step stool from the bathroom its a lot lighter! 

I inched the doors of the fridge open and moved the chair up close and climbed up. I was so focused on those cakes it was like I was a super silent invisible ninja going in! Buster stood up on his back legs too, He wanted to see what I was getting for a snack. 

Ok, There is the birthday cake and there are cupcakes.. hmmm which one would be less noticed if missing? I decided to go for the cupcakes and hope mommy doesn't notice 2 missing in the morning.

I gave one to Buster, He can have it since it wasn't chocolate, And I took one for myself. Now to put the chair back and hurry back to my room to eat it before anyone hears us out in the kitchen!

:And Stuff:-Ruffled Royalty


:And Stuff:-Ruffled Royalty
Hi There!

    Today I decided to go on a little adventure in a hidden park I heard about. It is suppose to be an enchanted place with the most beautiful gardens and birds of all pretty colors. There is even talk about if you find the secret path along the way there is a castle.

When I first heard about this place I thought it was just one of my grandma's fairytales. But she made it sound so magical as if it was the most beautiful place in the world.

So, I had to get dressed up for this adventure! I decided I was going to wear my new outfit I got called Ruffled Royalty. It was created by :And Stuff: and it was just perfect to go along with the theme I was heading out for today. It came with a few different sizes, TD Fitted, Bebe, Bebe Chonk, Youth, Youth Chonk. I had got the Fatpack as it came with 12 different ones to choose from. But if you have a favorite princess you can also buy them separately too.  I love how it came with a matching bow and shoes, so it all would match perfectly. I found this outfit at KIDOODLED Event, Definitely a must have for all the little princesses out there!

Ok, Lets head out to see if we can find this magical enchanted place. I hope I can find it from the very few clues I picked up along the way from grandma's stories. 

As I walked through the park at first I couldn't see any paths to go on, But I could hear the birds singing their tunes in a distance. I just had to follow to their songs to see where they are. 

I came up to a little pond a little ways up, But still didn't see a path. But i spotted the most beautiful little bird. I wonder if it will fly over to me! 

I held out my finger and whistled softly in tune with them.. Oh will you look at that!! The bird flew right to my little finger. I whistled softly again in tune, as the bird sang back to me. How cute is that!

I noticed the bird moving its head almost to look around mine. So I turned to see what the bird was looking at. Awww will you look at that another bird! That one is a peacock. Another beautiful colored bird. I think it is walking over toward us too, Maybe the sound of the birds singing and me whistling softly is attracting it.

I watched as the peacock made its way over towards me, And I just happened to get a look at the ground it was walking on. You will never believe this! 

I think we found the secret path to the hidden castle!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Lilwytch Designs-Swimsuit Sloth

Lilwytch Designs-Swimsuit Sloth

 Hi Friends!

    You ever have one of those days, When you wake up and just don't feel like going to school or work? Well that was me today. I felt like having an actual full day off from the crazy busy schedule and just felt like lounging out by the pool catching some sun and clearing my mind of a day of chaos filled with deadlines and running around doing errands.

So, I decided to put on one of my new swimsuits I got at KIDOODLED Event. I chose to go purple today and since I was feeling lazy and just wanted to hang out I put on my Swimsuit Sloth! Perfect for my mood I was feeling. It was created by Lilwytch Designs, It came with 3 sizes TD-Bebe and Youth.

I just loved this swimsuit design they did with the little sloth just hanging out there, It is definitely unique looking. 

After I put on my new swimsuit, I was sure to grab some watermelon slices from the fridge and some juice incase I needed a little snack or drink while I was out basking in the sun.

Once I got out by the pool I chose one of my favorite loungers to lay out on, And my little doggy friend was going to join me on her beach towel. I think she wanted a relaxing by the pool kind of day too... Giggles. 

As I laid back on my lounger I thought to myself... This is a day I much needed.

I think we all have days we need to take for ourselves even through all the craziness in our schedules and even though we have deadlines and should be running around like crazy, It is good to take a day to stop and enjoy the day no matter how you choose to spend it. Go shopping for yourself, Splurge a little.. Go to your favorite restaurant for a bite to eat. Or even just like me... Relax by the pool and soak up some sun. 

However you choose to spend it, Just be sure to do it. Life can be so crazy and non stop. But we have to always try to make time for ourselves. Live in the moment, Breathe fresh air, Take it all in and relax.

FlyingArts-Backyard Turtles


FlyingArts-Backyard Turtles
Oh Hi There!

Quickly pushes the sand together making a pile before you notice... Giggles

Well you caught me but can you keep a secret? I hope so, I wouldn't want my brother to find my secret hiding spot in my sandbox. 

I found this awesome Backyard Turtles today at KIDOODLED Event, I thought how cool is this!

It was created by FlyingArts and it is made just for us Toddlers and Kids. It comes with 2 versions of turtles too! One is a sandbox version and the other is a pool version. They are copy/mod which is perfect as then you could put them out at your house and bring them along and rez copies out at your families house too! I am planning to ask my grandma tomorrow if I can put this set out in her backyard for when I go over to visit on the weekends.

So, all though these are perfect to play in... giggles I had another plan for my sandbox turtle. But again you have to keep it a secret from my brother.

You see I am building a sand castle right now to the side of my sandbox. But its going to be a decoy! Shhh.. Here is my plan...

I'm going to build up my sandcastle and make a few mounds of sand around the whole sandbox. Then as I collect candy, I am going to hide it under the mounds of sand. This way my brother will never find it and eat it all on me! I will be able to just come out and play in my turtle sandbox and dig out a piece of candy anytime I want! Genius right! 

But, If my brother ever finds my hidden stash in here I might just have to dig a big hole in the middle and burry him in there with the sand! Don't worry... I love my brother, So I won't cover his face. He would still be able to breathe. But he wont be able to move his arms or legs. So then next time he thinks about stealing my candy stash he will know what will happen... Giggles

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Little Attitudez-Leanne Outfit


Little Attitudez-Leanne Outfit

 I'm Back!! 

    That was a fun party I went to this afternoon, But I am exhausted for sure. When I got home I had to change out of my dress and put on some play clothes since it was still light outside I wanted to go out in the yard and play bubbles. I got them in the party bags that they gave out today.

So I decided to wear one of my new outfits I got at KIDOODLED Event. Giggles.. I got a lot from there but I couldn't resist the urge to shop!

This one here was created by Little Attitudez, It is of coarse super cute. It is called Leanne Outfit and comes with TD and Bebe sizes. It is available in 4 colors, I chose the teal. But I just love it as it comes complete with Top, Shorts, Sneakers and even this cute matching Hat. Perfect to help keep the sun out of my eyes when I am out catching bubbles. 

Now that I changed into my play clothes, Lets head outside before the sun goes down and catch some bubbles!!

The Cookie Brats-Hawaiian Outfit


The Cookie Brats-Hawaiian Outfit
    Good Afternoon!

    I am so excited for this afternoon's party, My friend is having a Hawaiian themed cookout!

I can't wait to see what everyone will wear. They made it sound super fun and of coarse just about any parties my friends have are fun as we all get together and dress up and eat a lot of food and laugh so much till our bellies hurt. But this party I was most excited to find the perfect outfit for, So I went around and did some shopping. That is always fun until my piggy bank runs out!

I stopped over at KIDOODLED Event as I had remembered seeing so beautiful outfits there, But there was one particular one that caught my eye right away in a distance. I saw colorful dress and flowers! I made my way right over to the booth and I thought to myself... Well at least I thought to myself but I actually said it out loud so everyone heard me! Oops.. how embarrassing giggles. But anyway after that little embarrassing moment I looked at The Cookie Brats booth with all their things they had put out for the event. The had Dresses, Shorts, and even a Gacha with Hawaiian Sippies! I definitely played it after I picked out this Hawaiian Outfit in green it came in my size too which is perfect Toddleedoo Baby and it even included a flower for your hair! everyone knows I love accessories and always have to have something in my hair. It was perfect for the party and I couldn't wait to try it on soon as I got home. After i got my outfit I just had to play the Hawaiian Sippies Gacha it was only $30L per play and the cups in it were all Hawaiian themed so it was perfect to bring along to the party too! I even played a few extra times to get some for my friends at the party.

Ok, We must go so we are not late! I have to change into my new outfit quick and head over to the party.

Once I arrived at the party I could hear the music playing and the food sizzling on the grill. As I made my way to the backyard my friends mommy greeted me and said alright little lady strike a pose for a picture! I quickly strikes a pose for her. Ok, on 3 i want you to smile big and say Aloha she says.. Ready...... 1..2..3...Aloha!!

Someone Stole My Sign-Beachy Arbor

Someone Stole My Sign-Beachy Arbor

  Good morning friends!

 It is a sunny day out there already today and it is only morning! I am thinking it is gonna be a day to sit it the shade and take a few dips in the pool for sure. 

Since a lot of my friends are still snoozing this morning and i woke up really early to the beaming sunlight, I figured I would just go hang outside in the shade and relax till they woke up and came over to play. 

I have a new favorite spot outside with just enough sunlight but enough shade too I wont roast out there! Come on let me show you my new spot.

This is my new Beachy Arbor created by Someone Stole My Sign! It is perfect for days like today and it features some of my favorite summertime stuffed animals to hang out with. It has enough room that it holds up to 3 people in it, Perfect for when my friends get here today. It is sized just right for Bebe and Kids too, I am TDB and it works just right for me! Finally our own little hideaway in our size. It is also Copy/Mod too incase you would like more then one around or have one at home and one at a family members house too! It has a few animations in it we can just relax and stuff or dance! It is available now at KIDOODLED Event until the 26th of the month.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Bumble Bee Boutique-Panda Gotcha

Bumble Bee Boutique-Panda Gotcha

     Good Morning! Have I got something to show you today. Come on over here to my little hideaway place, Well it's not really a hideaway if I am telling you where it is giggles.... 

I have to tell you about this new gotcha I played today at KIDOODLED! I was just doing some early morning shopping at the event today and this booth across the way caught my little eyes. I just had to run over to see it! 

For all of you that know me in-world know I am a huge unicorn and teddy bear collector. But truly my first all time favorite thing when I was a little bit younger was panda bears. I use to have to have everything panda bears. Well this booth I ran over to was just that! 

A whole gotcha of panda bear stuff!! Oh my goodness, I just had to play for the whole collection. It was created by Bumble Bee Boutique. The Panda Gotcha was filled with all different panda things from Backpacks a Bean Bag Chair a Hopper even a Panda Bear Hat! and if your lucky enough on your $55L pull you could also get a chance to win the ultra rare complete outfit!! 

I of coarse had to play for them all... Giggles, I just had to have all the Panda's!

You should go play for them too, They are all so cute and a must have in your collections. 

Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Popcorn Tree-Keeping Cool


The Popcorn Tree-Keeping Cool

    Hey There! What a fun day today was, I was talking on my phone with my friend earlier today and she was telling me all about her vacation and things her cousins have been coming up with to have fun this summer. 

She told me about this one game they played outside, It sounded like so much fun. I just had to try it out for myself!

First you got to have a jump rope not the plastic kind but a fabric rope kind. Then you have to go to the beach and find a big pile of fluffy sand and be sure its not wet. But before you head over to your sand you might want to put on some comfy play clothes. I chose me new outfit I got at KIDOODLED. It was created by The Popcorn Tree and is called Elephant Splash which is part of the Keeping Cool collection. There are 5 designs to choose from, Each one includes the T-Shirt and Shorts, But I love elephants so of coarse this was my pick. It came with a bunch of sizes they are,  FITTED: TD/Bebe/Bebe Chonk/ Youth/Youth Chonk/Youth Petite/TweeneeDoo, So I am sure it will fit just about everyone out there! But get this, If you can't decide which one you want, You can buy them all in a Fatpack. 

Ok so now I got my new outfit on and I am not going to wear shoes as my friend says if you do you will just sink in the sand or keep falling down. Lets grab our jump rope and head over to the beach, I know just the spot!

So the challenge is, You have to try to jump rope across the sand while singing the ABC's Song and who ever finishes the song without falling wins. Sounds simple right? I think it will be funny to see if we can make it through the whole alphabet without falling! All right.. Ready! Set! Go!!

Jellytot Photo Shop-Cute Siblings


Jellytot Photo Shop-Cute Siblings Pose

    Today was a nice day outside finally no rain today! My brother and I went outside to play and brought along our dog Rascal. We got to run around and play tag, and we even found some pretty flowers to pick for mommy. Even Rascal helped pick out some too!

As we were picking some flowers we heard mommy calling out the backdoor for us, Quick my brother whispered before she sees. We quickly tried to hide the picked flowers before mommy made it out towards us. Act normal I said to my brother. As we stood together trying to act like we did nothing, Mommy came over, What you two up to over here? she asked. I could hear my brother start to giggle.

Nothing mommy I replied, We were just playing.. You two weren't picking those flowers over there right? mommy asked. No Mommy, We both replied quickly.

Hmm.. She looked at us with a suspicious look on her face. Ok then you two run along and play for a bit longer before dinner is ready, mommy says to us as we were standing there trying to keep a straight face. 

As she headed back toward the house and we started to giggles thinking we got away with it. Mommy yells towards us, You two might want to keep an eye on Rascal next time your up to something sneaky.

My brother and I both stopped giggling and looked down at Rascal as he was still picking flowers out of the ground. Rascal!! giggles..

 This pose was created by Jellytot Photo Shop and is available at KIDOODLED Event going on now through July 26th.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Sherbert-FullPerm Hair Tie #1

Sherbert-FullPerm Hair Tie #1

    Girls, Girls, Girls!!! We all know the process we go through everyday to look our cutest, I mean boys would never understand just how much time and thought it takes for us just to do our hair! Never mind pick out the perfect outfit and matching shoes with accessories. They just whine about how long it takes us in the bathroom to get ready!

A girls got to have options, We just cant throw on random clothes from a pile off the floor and hopes they smell a little decent and spit shine our hair in place with a swipe of our hand. Shakes my head.. They never know the pain of it all right?

Well I know for me every morning I rush to the bathroom before my brothers to get ready for my day. Even though they be whining to mommy I am taking forever in the bathroom, I learned to tune them out! 

I push my step stool up to the bathroom sink and crawl on up carefully, Its not that easy but i must look in the mirror to get ready!

I brush my teeth and gather all my hair products and my favorite brush. Then the tough part deciding to wear a big bow or a little bow or maybe a headband... I can never make up my mind, So I have to try each one on to see what would go with my outfit for the day. 

But you see today was different! Well.. for me anyway, my brothers are still throwing a fit outside the door. Today I am going to try out my new hair ties I got from KIDOODLED. They are super cute for days when I want to have my hair up in a ponytail. They are created by Sherbert and are FullPerm! So I can be able to color or texture them anyway I want to match any and every outfit I own! I found them for a bargain too! Get this $50L!! That is all it coast me to get this pack.

So, First I need to brush my hair really good. I think today I am going for my side ponytail style it is one of my favorites and it is ok if its a little messy because I will load it up with hairspray to hold all the wispy hairs in place! 

Now that my ponytail is up I need to add my new Hair Tie #1 to secure it in this spot. Like so! 
Then we grab our hairspray.. I am gonna use one says flexi hold because I do want it to still sway a bit when I walk and not be stiff as concrete! A few spritz here a few spritz there and we are done with the hair.  

I guess now that I'm done with brushing my teeth and doing my hair I can let my brothers have a turn in the bathroom and go get dressed in my room. At least I make it in before them so I don't have to smell their stinky.. giggles!

Baby Bug's Boutique-Alicia Outfit


Baby Bug's Boutique-Alicia Outfit

    Today was a cold rainy day outside, Bummer as I had plans to go to the park with my friends. But my mommy said it wouldn't be a good idea to go outside I could catch a cold, So maybe tomorrow the sun will be shining and we could all go then. I didn't think so, I do have rainboots and a raincoat I could wear and I am sure my friends and I would have fun jumping in puddles! But mommy always knows best.

So since I had to stay inside I figured I could just plop my little self up on the sofa with some snacks and watch cartoons all day. I wanted to beat my sister to the tv before she put on her drama soap opera shows, So I quickly went to my room and put on my new comfy outfit I had just got at KIDOODLED!

It is from one of my favorite stores called Baby Bug's Boutique and it is called Alicia Outfit, It comes in a few different patterns that are so cute, This one was my favorite though of coarse its rainbows!!

The outfits come with both TDB Fitted & BEBE Fitted sizes, You get the really comfy long sleeve shirt and Jeans. And get this, Each one is only $60L! or you can get the Fatpack for $450L which includes this Exclusive Rainbow one! Oh! and one more thing because you know I love a bargain.. giggles. If you are a group member you get a discount on top of those low prices!

Ok! come on quick I hear my sister down the hall and we still need to grab our snacks!

As I peek out my doorway I see the coast is clear and quickly make my way into the kitchen like a ninja, tip toeing quickly down the hall and quick turn as I cling to the wall! Phew...that was a close one. I make in to the snack drawer ooo cookies! grab a bag of those and OMG! I hear my mommy...Tuck n roll behind the kitchen island. Ok she is on the phone blabbing to my aunty, That will distract her a good while. I grab a juice out the fridge, I think we are all set now, to get to the sofa! Takes a deep breath and makes a run for it! 

I made it! plops up on the sofa with my snacks and my bear next to me, As I stretch out on the sofa. Now to find the cartoon channel and relax....