Monday, October 29, 2018

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 10!

With only 3 days left!! 
To grab up all these goodies and deals at the
I just had to rush and make sure I got everything!

I went through all my bags and boxes making sure I got everything! From Exclusive Items and Themed Items! I was sure to grab it all. Oh! and I had endless FREE gifts from the creators and they made special $10L items too! Plus, The hunt items I found that was crazy scary walking through the hot heat and lava and burst of fire flames everywhere! I am so glad I made it through and found the hunt items they were some really great items for sure and only $2L for each one you find! You can't beat that!

Halloween is quickly approaching we have only 3 days till Trick or Treat and I'm sure there has been lots of parties! But I must tell you again so you don't miss it. These Items I have been blogging about all month are only available at these bargain prices for just 3 more days! So, take a trip down there at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt and grab them up quick!

Before I end my blogs for the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt I want to show you one last thing before its over. These I found are simply amazing! They are from Something New Props & Poses! I love these they are so unique and absolutely perfect for Halloween pictures! 

Something New Props & Poses
The Raven Witch

The Raven Witch was created by Something New and features flying ravens around you animated and also ravens perched up on your arms.

It is Copy & Mod which is great to fit the pose and props for you to make your picture stunning!

I love this one! It is available only at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt for just 3 more days! So better hurry and grab it!

And Next I got!

Something New Props & Poses
My Spell on You-Exclusive

My Spell on You which is an Exclusive created by Something New and is also available for just a few more days at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt. This pose with props is perfect to brew up something gory for those pesty little goblins lurking around! They will see the bloody limbs floating in the cauldron cooking and you glance at the spell book getting ready to toss in the last ingredient...The Brain! EWWW... Screams!  

This is available also for just a few more days! Better hurry on down and grab it up and get your brew on while practicing your spells! 

That's a wrap!! I hope you all enjoyed my blogs throughout the month here for the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt that will come to a end in just 3 days! I really hope everyone go to go check it out and grab up some of these amazing creations these creators had work so endlessly hard creating for you. There is so many great items and bargain prices plus the $2L hunt & Free gifts. Thank you to all the creators for allowing me to blog all your amazing creations to share with everyone! May you all be safe! and have a Happy Halloween!! ~Kaycee~

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 9 Continued!

Now that you  got to see what I got inside let me show you some more outside things I picked up at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt!

Neighbors Halloween Mat
First I got this Neighbors Halloween Mat for outside my front door. It was created by PurpleMoon and I think it goes just perfect with my porch décor. The flickering pumpkin is bound to spook the kids! The black wooden cat will surely scare some people who fear them around Halloween! And most of all the mat! If the kiddos can read it they will surely know to go next door to my neighbors house for the better candy! And that would mean I get to keep all my goodies at the end of trick or treat. Endless candy all for me! Mwahhh HaHa! You can also go grab this for your home at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through October 31st! Better hurry your sweet tooth with thank you!

Ok come see this here that I got in my yard. I'm planning a little outdoor gathering with a few friends but I hear it will be a bit chilly out once the sun goes down...Burrrr! I hate the cold! But this Menu Driven Jack O'Lantern Campfire will surely keep it toasty and I wont have to stay inside and miss the spooky stories!

Lunar Seasonal Design-Menu Driven Jack O'Lantern Campfire
Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Design-Poisonous Fantasy Mushrooms

This was created by Lunar Seasonal Designs and I just love it! It will keep you toasty for sure and I love the detail on it pumpkins with the flames and has a ring of rocks around, it is so neat this Menu Driven Jack O'Lantern Campfire creation also has a menu where you can change to single color pumpkins or like I chose the mixed colors. You can also change the mode to who can control it and also has bright and light options! Very handy indeed. You should get this with the chilly cold upon us it will sure keep you warm! It is available now at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt till the end of the month, so you better hurry.

Next to my toasty warm campfire you see I have lots of flowers. I love my flowers and put a lot of work into planting them but...there is something I cant catch and whatever it is keep helping them self to ruining my flowers! I can hear it in the night racing through my gardens digging up the soil and flowers all across the front of my home Grrr! These little pest I will catch you....Or scare you off!

So I found these Poisonous Fantasy Mushrooms and I am hoping they will help keep these little pest away from my flowers and gardens! They were created by Harambee Gwassi-Kenya Design and are also available at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on through October 31st.

Oh, Before you run down to shop let me show you one more thing quick!
I got this really neat décor sign I want to show you.
Halloween Wooden Wall Decor

I hung it up outside my garden shed! This Halloween Wooden Wall Décor is very rustic and I think it looks great outside just to add a little décor to my shed. It was created by StoraxTree and is available at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt that is going on through the end of the month. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 9

Well hello there again! So glad you stopped by, I was unpacking some more things today that I got at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt. Come on I will show you what I found there! Your going to loves this stuff for your home!

Lets start inside....Screams!! Grabbing onto my friend with my heart pounding scared. Oh my goodness HaHa!

Tylar's Treasures
Animated Evil Jester in the Box with Sound

This Animated Evil Jester in the Box with Sound gets me every time!
It jumps out at you when your not expecting it! It was created by Tylar's Treasures.

It is perfect to stick in a room in the corner or behind a door. 
It's bound to scare the skin right off of people for sure! 
You can get it at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through October 31st.

Fastly we walk by the evil jester, my friend looks at me confused. 
Oh! Don't worry these are just you know brains I collected from the past people that have made me mad..No big deal here! But you see I figured I would need at least 18 to collect over time to complete my collection! Mwahh haha! You can collect some too! 
These are the 18 Seamless Ick Factor Brainzzz Textures 
created by Timeless Textures
They are available at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.

Timeless Textures
Ick Factor Brainzzz Textures
I don't think my friend thought I was kidding! but it was sure a good story to tell to freak people out when they see them in my house! HeHe!!

I look at my friend, She looks all pale and scared.
Ok moving on to some less creepy things.

Look at these over here!
Vintage Touch
Rustic Cauldron Set-Exclusive Theme
These Rustic Cauldron Set here are really cool looking very vintage style. You could really brew up something delicious in these or even use them as décor on a shelf like I did. They were created by Vintage Touch as an Exclusive Theme Item for the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt that is going on till the end of the month. You should so go get this set my friend. 

Oh! What is this cute thing on the floor next to them!

Chiana Oh
Bad Bunny! [Pumpkin Patch] Special Edition
This is so adorable! 

I wonder what he is diving in the flower pot looking for?
 candy corns? candy carrots maybe. 

This is another creation by Chiana Oh 
it is the 
Bad Bunny! [Pumpkin Patch] Special Edition 
Did I mention it is only $10L 
down at the 

Over here look at this new picture I got also!

DragonLady Designs
Witch's Brew
This Witch's Brew picture is mysterious looking don't you think! 
It was created by DragonLady Designs. I think it goes perfect right up on this wall, 
But it also came with 2 easels in case you want to display it out on the floor rather then on your wall. 
Plus it is resizable! 
Which is always a plus as every house and walls are different sizes. 
I also got this at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt
that is going on now through October 31st. 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 8

Prism- Cat Mask with HUD-Exclusive
Shame-Samhain Dress WTHH
.::LUNA::. Body Art-Exclusive

 This evening I got home and really just wanted to slip into some comfy pajamas and lounge with some popcorn and a movie. But then just as I was getting ready to change out of my work clothes I got a call. Ughh..I hesitated to answer it I just wanted a night in, I gave in as usual and answered the phone. It was my brother. I thought here we go gonna get stuck on the phone for an hour listening rant about his newest girl....boring! 

To my surprise he says throw on something feisty were going to Halloween party at my buddies house. I replied, Nah i'm all set hanging out with your friends bro. But as always he whines and begs and I gave in. Fine! give me an hour to go from scary witch to feisty kitten. He laughed but I was serious!

I went into my closet and started searching for something to wear. 
Nope, Nope, Eww, Nope, Ah Ha!
Here it is! This Samhain Dress will be perfect it is created 
by Shame so I know it is the best quality.
I quickly slip it on and look in the mirror. OoO LaLa I love it! The fit is perfect in Maitreya-EBody-SLink Hourglass and SLink Physique. It hugs all the right curves flawlessly. I got this dress I remember just last week at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt that is going on till the end of the month. 

Ok, Now for the perfect accessory to go with my dress!

I have the perfect Cat Mask created by PRISM
It will be just the accessory I need to look like a feisty kitten.
The Cat Mask comes with a HUD and has 5 different prints to choose from. I chose this one here I think it goes very well together with my dress! I had to wear the size Medium but you also get a size large too incase your needing it a bit bigger. If you haven't got it yet you better hurry it is an Exclusive down at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt until October 31st.

And to finalize my feisty kitten costume I need to add some nail polish! Let's see what came in the packs I got from
 .::LUNA::. Body Art at Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.

This CatOween Set will work perfectly! There is 10 colors to choose from in this pack, I chose the red with the black cat on them for SLink nails but it also gives for Maitreya-Tuty-Belleza and Vista Bento nails. These are an Exclusive at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through the end of the month, So you gotta hurry and grab up this CatOween Nail polish set!! 

Here is a close up of the nail pack for you to see up close!

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 7

Tonight I had a Halloween card game to attend, I was so excited to see this place I have heard about for a very long time and never got the chance to actually go. All I have been told is it is dark and inside a hidden cave, But once you get inside it has amazing décor that you probably will only see in a movie or something! I couldn't wait, All my friends are going to be there and I been practicing cards with some of the people that go so I should be in luck and hopefully win! Wish me luck!

Upon arriving to the dark hidden cave entrance I noticed. This huge piece in the center of the cave it was miraculous looking! Lava filled the bottom of it and had a center with fiery particles Wow! You could even walk on it to get a closer view but be careful it looks to be really hot up there.

Lilith's Den
The Pool of Abyzou-Exclusive Item

I moved close to see this stunning piece, As I moved closer a lady came next to be admiring it too She said do you know what this is? I replied, I have never see such a thing before. What is it I asked.

The lady said my dear this is an Exclusive piece called The Pool of Abyzou and was created by the one and only Lilith's Den.

As I looked closer I got to see so much detail in this amazing piece. This is crafted top notch so much time and thought must have for sure been put into this I thought as I continued to look closer.

I turned around and asked the lady where does one get this Exclusive piece? I must have it.
She responded well, for The Pool of Abyzou created by Lilith's Den you will need to go over to the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt that is going on now till October 31st.

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 6

Today I rushed home from my morning routine to get dressed into something other then my pajamas! I frantically was going through all my clothing bags as I knew there was this one dress I so wanted to wear today for a lunch date I had with my bestfriend. Tossing clothes and bags all over looking high and low I couldn't find this super cute dress I had got from Sin Original the other day while shopping at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.

Grrr! Where is it!

Next thing I know I hear someone knocking on the door, I rushed out my room to answer the door.
Well what do you know it's my sister wanting to go to lunch too. 
I raised an eyebrow at her as she started talking about lunch. 
She then says what is a matter with you today you seem upset or confused.

I said...…..Nice dress where you get it from! She says oh, this cute dress I got yesterday out of your closet! So I figured you wouldn't mind if I took the tags off and borrowed it for a day!. 
Grrrr! Sisters I tell ya. 

Sin Original
Beth Mustache Dress

But I must admit this Beth Mustache Dress is so cute you can wear it as a dress or even slip some leggings on under it and turn it into a dressy shirt!

So, as I scramble to find something to wear she follows me upstairs and peaks in my room and says, I mustache you a question! As she twirls around in my new dress! HaHa she's a trip. We both started laughing and ran out the door so we wouldn't be late for lunch!

You can find this cute Beth Mustache Dress that comes in sizes 
Freya-Isis-Venus-Maitreya-S.Hourglass and S.Physique and created by Sin Original 
at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through October 31st. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 5

Grabs another bag! I have to show you this bag it is full of Fashions I scooped up today! at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Yayyyy!!

Kimba's Boutique
Garden of Eden Dress

 Here I have the perfect night out dress, This will be great for a party I have coming up. It is dressy with a side of daring. Pair this dress up with some heels and your all ready for a night out! Its texture is just right with a vibrant shade of red with black detail throughout the dress and textured on waist belt that hugs your hips perfectly. It comes in standard sizes XXS through L.The dress was created by Kimba's Boutique and is available at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through October 31st.

Night of the Roses Dress
Next I have here a gorgeous dainty piece created by Grumble. Its perfect to slip into after a long night out on the town for me. While you could wear this dress anywhere really maybe the club would also be a great place to be a little daring in the dress, with the sheer see through stomach area and silky textured top and bottom it flows just right. It comes in sizes EBodyCurvy-Freya-Hourglass-IsIs-Maitreya-Physique-T-Curvy-T-Fine and Venus. You can find this gorgeous Night of the Roses Dress at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt now through the end of the month!

Brandy's Boutique
Devilish Me Black
Quickly changes into the next piece I found...Ooo wow! Touches my shoulder making the sizzling sound, this is hot. This complete outfit Devilish Me Black was created by Brandy's Boutique. I must say it is bound to me the center of attention at any party or if you'd like to spice things up at home. It includes black outfit with very pretty detail on it, Horns, Tail, Pitchfork and Spiked Straps for Slink High Feet. The Devilish Me Black comes with system layers and Lena-SLink-Belleza-Omega and Maitreya Appliers. You can find this sizzling hot outfit at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through October 31st.

And Last for this bag but not the least, I have a few more bags to go through with all those great deals going on I just couldn't resist!

Blair Hellfire Heels

Oh Yes! I have to tell you about the only pair of heels I got and that is very rare for me but I love shoes! I just couldn't resist these unique Blair Hellfire Heels from Lindy! They are definitely a keeper for sure to add to my collection. with the fiery burst pattern all over they will be the talk of the office! They are simply a must have to add to your collection. They come in sizes Classic-SLink Mid Feet & Maitreya and are available at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through the end of the month. So you better hurry and grab these quick!

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 4

My next bag has the most creative super awesome little thing in it! Check this out...

Sour Pickles
Animated Pumpkin Tongue (Jack-o-Lantern)

When I ever saw this I about fell over in laughter! How totally awesome is this Animated Pumpkin Tongue created by Sour Pickles!! HaHa :D I couldn't help myself I quickly tried it on and stuck out my tongue, Points to it see it! and it glows on and off just like a real Jack-O-Lantern. Laughing as I keep sticking my tongue out it dawned on me...There is no way I can get in trouble for sticking out my tongue at my big sister now!! HaHa. Then I thought hmm...she might get jealous of this super cool tongue I must offer her something. I looked around and found this pumpkin by the door, 
As I tried to pick it up Wow its heavier then I thought, But its perfect. 
I quickly yelled for my sister to come outside. 


She came out running and I was just standing there all cute and stuff as usual. She said what are you yelling for! I said Coz I Can! I am outside..As her eyebrows raised up and she gave me this your a little stinker look. I quickly stuck out my tongue at her! 
She then yelled for my mommy..sighs

My mommy came running outside too in her curlers and robe with over stuffed bunny slippers. What is a matter girls. So my sister explained what I had just done to her sticking out tongue at her and there was something glowing on and off in my mouth. Mommy then turns looks at me and says..young lady you know it is not nice to stick out your tongue at people. You need to use your manners better, Now show me what is in your mouth.

I quickly batted my eye lashes and with a big grin :D stuck my tongue out at my mommy! Haha. Then I said all sweetly as I was still holding the big pumpkin I picked up. 
But mommy I was thoughtful look I got sissy one to fit in her mouth!!
As I glanced down at the big pumpkin in my hands. 

My mommy busted out laughing so hard she was crying and knocked one of her curlers out her hair bopping sissy in the head. I don't think sissy thought it was so funny that I compared the big pumpkin to the size of her mouth but hey..she does talk a lot and I'm not the only one who thinks so even mommy has said before that sissy has a big mouth blabbing all the time :D 

Well that's my story and i'm sticking to it! 
You can enjoy this super awesome cool Animated Pumpkin Tongue too!! 

Created by Sour Pickles! 
It's FREE! you can find it on her cart celebrating the 5th anniversary 

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 3

Good Morning Ghouls & Goblins! I woke up extra early today as I still have many more shopping bags to unpack from my many trips shopping down at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt. Which let me remind you is still going on now through October 31st. It is a must go to cart sale with so many great things to find from some amazing creators! They have not only set up sales carts to shop from but also Exclusive items for the event and get this even a Free gift on their carts it celebration of the 5th anniversary! Plus they have also created a special Hunt item and hidden in throughout the sim which you can do for only $2L per Hunt item you want. I must say its a really great deal from all these creators to put out all these things for us at bargain prices, You just can't beat it! So be sure to take advantage of this Sale & Hunt going on before it's gone.

Now on to more goodies!

Cupcake Clothing
Halloween Cat Mask-Hunt Item for $2L

Here I have put on my next find I got while doing the Welcome to Heck Hunt. It is created by Cupcake Clothing and is so adorable this Halloween Cat Mask is perfect for me to wear for Halloween breakfast social I have to go to next weekend with my co workers. I wanted something simple and lets face it at 5am I am so not in the mood to get all dolled up in a costume. This is great for me plus will cover my under eye bags from lack of sleep! I love the soft orange tone on it as it don't scream out at you and the little cats and ghost on it!

You can get this Halloween Cat Mask for $2L if you can find her hidden flame in the
Hunt going on at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.

Next Up in my Bag!

Dondi's Doodads
Mesh Bat Chair
Next I got this wicked neat Mesh Bat Chair created by Dondi's Doodads. This chair is perfect for sitting around having a chat. I was thinking even using them in my dining room and finding a little black table they could go around since they are copy! How cool would that look! These chairs are so unique with the bat wings and fangs. Perfect Halloween piece for your home or depending on your style home and décor style you could even use them year round! You can find this Mesh Bat Chair at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through October 31st.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

     Ok so I must show you what's in my next bag! I just had to get them. Now I know Halloween is for spooky and scary ghost and goblins, But when I ever seen these I just couldn't help myself I had to get them as I think they reflect my emotions to a T, I can't help but laugh when I tell you about these awesome 2 items from Closet Full Of Pancakes at The Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.

Closet Full Of Pancakes
Big Horny Horns - Hunt Item
Flames of Heck Glasses - Theme/Exclusive Item

Let me just start by showing off the Flames of Heck Glasses. They are perfect for covering my eye rolls when my mom is going on and on about random things I should and shouldn't be doing in life.
The flames are so cool looking on them and a perfect addition to the glasses. HaHa, As the yapping begins my eye rolls are covered and the flames give you the idea my head is on fire from all moms yapping!. And yes for other reasons like Halloween they are a great accessory to have. They are made by Closet Full Of Pancakes and are the Themed Exclusive Item at Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt

Next, From Closet Full Of Pancakes is these Big Horny Horns. I don't know about you but I put these on and I instantly felt feisty! My sister always says to me I hide my horns under my hair, Well I have let them out and I am ready to take on all these spooky characters for Halloween. But, you know these to can come in handy when feeling like raising some trouble around town! They are available at Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt as a Hunt Item! Which means if you can find it through the travels of lava and bursting flames you can get them for $2L! 

These Items are available now through October 31st only at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 2

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hun

 My Urge for more spookiness at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt continued today as I braved another trip down to this amazing spooky place! I just had to buy some more things for Halloween, There is just so much there I had to make more then one trip down. This time I remembered not to use any hairspray! That was a close one on my last trip with all the bursting flames throughout, it really could of been a disaster. So tonight I am going prepared! I grabbed my wallet and off I went.

There is just so much to look and shop for here you definitely need a few trips or a stretch Armstrong! that can carry all your bags.
I made my way through the rows of carts again as I dodges the fiery flames bursting up through all the lava. Whoa!! careful where you step.

As my bags filled up with more great finds! I thought  to myself I better get home and unpack what I found. Then come back later for more!

As, I arrived home I knew I needed to make some room on my land for this amazing build from Z.O.E. This Dark Mausoleum they have created as an Exclusive for the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt is perfect. The detail is amazing on it, It will sure be a talking centerpiece on my land for sure!

Z.O.E. Exclusive Dark Mausoleum

Z.O.E. Hunt Item Witch's Junk Table

Next I also got from Z.O.E. this Witch's Junk Table! I found this while doing the Hunt and get this, I got it for only $2L. Talk about a bargain!  

 Perfect accent table with décor and only 2 Prims!!
It is also Copy which is great, You could have it in more then one room if you would like!

You can find this and the above Dark Mausoleum at the Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on now through October 31st!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt Part 1

On this crisp cold fall evening I had been wondering around my cottage thinking about starting to decorate for Halloween. As I started pulling out some of my decorations from last year they didn't seem to really fill some spaces I had. Not sure if I needed more scary things or more of a fall décor. Then after awhile looking around at ideas it dawned on me! I had remembered hearing about The Heck Cart Sale & Hunt not that long ago and just knew I had to go check out this spooky place. I bet I could find some really neat things there that would be perfect for my cottage. So, I decided to be brave and head there alone to shop!

  Whoa! where am I! As I land here at The Heck Cart Sale & Hunt, I am surrounded by Lava! It's so dark and scary here I wish I brought a friend and sent them in first! Through the darkness and flowing lava I brace myself to walk slowly towards the shopping area...The flames are so high I must watch my dress! I think I should have not used any hair spray before coming to this place! Eeek! As, I take a deep breath I make my way to the shopping carts..dodging burst of fire from the ground. This is scary for sure! It's a good thing I hid my money in a safe spot.

 I make my way down the rows of carts, So much to see and buy! Ooo! Free Gifts on every one to celebrate the 5th anniversary! Can't beat that...wonder what else they have here.
As, I kept looking there was so many scary spooky make you cover your eyes in fright things! I could definitely do a lot of decorating and then some with all this stuff. I had to laugh to myself oh! the pranks I could pull on my sister with some of this (evil laugh haha)...Moving on I was getting some really good ideas, Knowing my funds are limited but I must spend what I have quick!

I quickly began making some purchases, when I over heard a lady telling her I think boyfriend not sure. But anyway, She was telling him he should pick out something to bring to his mother for Halloween since she was cooking a ghoulish dinner and hated flowers that he could find décor for her living room or something here to get her. He mumbled for a moment...
she says to him dead serious louder tone"since your so cheap you know grab a few free gifts off the carts and the Hunt items are only $2L each." I had to laugh as his jaw dropped as she spoke, and he responded..I'm not cheap I got you this cool freebie from over there!

With so many things I found on the carts and all the gifts, Plus hunt items I think I have found way more then I expected here! My bags were over flowing with things I could barely carry them but I just had to make my way out of the fiery paths and boiling hot lava and get home!

Once I arrived home I plopped down on the floor just taking in the cool cold air. I can't believe how hot it gets a Heck, wonder if I got a tan while shopping! I quickly jumped up glanced in the mirror to check..Ohhh I'm a hot mess for sure beat red with frizzy hair way out of control. Tossing my hair up in a messy bun and splashing cold water on my face I was ready to unpack all my bags and decorate!

Lets see what's in this first bag of things!

The Artist Shed
First thing here I got was this Spooky pillow set with color changeable by touch menu!
I decided to prop up the décor pillow here that is going to look Spooktacular on my window seat! It also comes with a hold able version perfect to cuddle with when spooked. These were a great find from .TeaBunny.

Next I have in the bag, is from The Artist Shed. Candle that you can light on and off with a Stack of Books and a Bell Set, I wonder if I ring the bell if someone would bring me food! Also in my bag from The Artist Shed I have some Poisoned Apples in a cauldron. These could come in handy, I can offer then as a snack to all the creepy people out there!

These all can be found at The Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt going on Now through October 31st.

Sassy Brats

In my next bag here I had got, This adorable Happy
Halloween Poster from Sassy Brats.

The poster will look perfect right up on my wall in my living room, How precious is this picture!

All tricked out and full of candy this little one and their kitten taking a snooze.

You can find this darling poster at The Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.

And Lastly in this bag I found these!
Chiana Oh

Pumpkin Frames from Chiana Oh.
You get All 4!
They are modify so you can size
 them as small or big as you needed. Put them up on your wall or set them up on your mantle, However big or small you choose to make them they are for sure a great décor set to have for Halloween.

I'm going to size them up just a bit
and hang them up on the
wall in my entry room.

These are the perfect fit for this wall for sure!

You can also find these at
 The Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.

Stay tuned till tomorrow! with more great finds I found here at
 The Welcome to Heck Cart Sale & Hunt.
You can find all these and so much more through October 31st!