Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Baby Bubbles-Fall Harvest Outfits

Baby Bubbles-Fall Harvest Outfit

 Hi Friends!

Are you ready for this fall weather?

I know I am. I just love this time of year, with the cool crisp air. It's not to hot and not to cold. I love being able to see all the leaves changing colors and fall activities that go on. But! most of all I just love that I can run around and play outside without breaking a sweat or having to over bundle up just yet.

Today the sun was shining with just a little cool breeze through the trees. It wasn't to cool that you would need a jacket, Just a long sleeve shirt and some pants are perfect for a day like today.

I decided to take advantage of this beautiful day and head outside to play with my doggy. I brought some of her toys out and grabbed my sidewalk chalk. I drew hopscotch on the driveway, I thought maybe I could teach her how to play hopscotch. 

She seemed to rather jump around to the side of me giggles.. close enough doggy, close enough. I then had an idea! I thought maybe every time I hop on the number 4, I would throw her ball and she can run to get it while I hop the rest of the numbers. Surprisingly, She picked up on it really quick and would go run get her ball as I hopped along, She would bring it back and drop it right by the number 4! 

Such a smart little doggy she is!

We played for what seemed like all day till the sun started to go down, Then before we knew it, It was time to head back in the house and get a cold drink and get ready for dinner. 

Let me tell you about this perfect fall outfit I have on!

Fall Harvest Outfits are created by Baby Bubbles

It comes with sizes: TD & Bebe and includes: 

Fitmesh overalls in pumpkin print with a cotton long sleeve shirt. You also get matching hairbows and sneakers.

It is available in 3 color styles, Cream-Pink & Coral. I am wearing the Cream in the photo.

You can purchase them individually for $249L or Grab all 3 for $599L  

You can find these super cute Fall Harvest Outfits at:

 Thimble going on October 20th-November 5th.

Also be sure to check out more creations and follow Baby Bubbles at the links below:





Sunday, October 16, 2022

LouChara Little Wunz-Budding Artist


LouChara Little Wunz-Budding Artist
Hi Friends!

Today after I got home from grandma's house, I decided to spend some time in the craft room. I haven't been able to create in awhile, It is almost like writers block. I always have really cool ideas and things I would like to try but lately I just haven't been feeling it to follow through with some of the projects I really wanted to work on. 

So I thought just maybe spending time in the craft room, Grabbing some paints and see what I could come up with to try and break this creators block I've been having. 

I sat down in front of a blank canvas for awhile, Thinking of all these cool things to paint and who I could paint these pictures for. But for some reason, I just couldn't get started.

As I sat there I had glanced over at a saying on the wall my mommy had put up for inspiration. As I read the saying I could hear the voice of my mommy in my ear whispering.. "Sweetpea, Just pick up the brush. Dip it in some paint and let your imagination wander".

It was then, I listened and did just so. As I started to paint it also reminded me of all the true beauty in the world and all the amazing talented kids out there today. Each one is different and chooses different colors and designs, But in our hearts we are all one in the same. We are the future of tomorrows little world and together we can paint the world with happiness and hope for the future, And so I painted littles hands full of color to represent all of us as one. Creating this masterpiece full of happiness and hope and with the vision of a child's endless creativity for the world to be proud of.

Let me tell you about this awesome painting set!

Budding Artist was created by LouChara Little Wunz

It if full of animations and also has attachments such as paint brushes!

You can find it at The Cove Kids Event going on now though October 31st.

Also click the link to check out more awesome stuff at:

 LouChara Little Wunz MainStore

LouChara Little Wunz-Child and Grown Up Toybox

LouChara Little Wunz-Child and Grown Up Toybox

 Hi Friends!

Everyone wakey wakey! Up Up Up!!

Today I woke up extra early to the birds outside singing their tunes to the morning sun. As I woke up my mommy came in my room to see if I was awake. "Sweetpea? Are you awake" She whispers. "I am awake mommy", I replied as I pretended to just wake up. Though I had been awake for a little while already bundled up in my bed snug as a bug, Listening to the birds sing out my window. 

"Guess what?" Mommy says. I sat up quickly, I could tell by mommy's tone it was something good! "Today you have no school", She says. I smiled so big at mommy, Tossed my blankets off and hoped down off my bed. Turned on my unicorn record player and headed right in to my new toybox to dig out some toys. 

I couldn't help but dance in happiness! Although I do love my school and getting to see my friends, I much needed a extra day off since we had such a busy weekend. 

Mommy started to laugh and clap along as I dug out my toys while dancing my little heart out. 

I turned to mommy, "It is time to boogie mommy! Girls dance party, come on mommy" I said. Giggles..

Let me tell you about my new Toybox!

It was created by: LouChara Little Wunz

It features lots of child animations based on a 3 month - 3 year old avatar as well as grown up/parent animations. with some rezzable toys and things!

You can get your very own Toybox at The Cove Kids Event going on now through the 31st!

You can also find more cool things created by LouChara at the link below!

LouChara Little Wunz Mainstore

diddjaseethis!-Little Red


diddjaseethis!-Little Red
Hi Friends!

Good morning! I hope you all have enjoyed your weekend, It goes by so fast. I can't believe it is already Sunday!

I happen to look forward to Sunday mornings every weekend though. It is the day I get to go to the farmers market and pick out fresh apples to bring to grandma's house. She is always making some delicious recipes with them.

Today grandma is planning to make a fresh crisp apple pie! Yummm... One of my favorite fall recipes to make with my grandma. 

After I made my way down to the farmers market and picked out some of their freshest apples, I quickly realized that maybe I picked up to many. But, without panicking, I did my little whistle song out to call for some help. 

My friend Wolfy came running from behind the forest right on over to me. You may all look at him and think, The big bad wolf!! Eeek! But have no fear, I promise you Wolfy is my friend. He loves to help and take walks with me to grandma's house. I am grateful for him, He is such a good wolfy always looking out for me and guards grandma's house. Plus he is super strong, So I am always lucky to be able to call on him to help with my bundles of fruits I get from the market. 

Once we arrived at grandma's house it was time to get ready to bake! Wolfy stuck around a bit after helping and grandma gave him a few of the apples to bring back to his family so they could have a treat too. 

After Wolfy was given his apples from grandma it was time for us to roll up our sleeves and start making some pies. 

I will save you a piece of grandma's fresh apple pie when it is all done! 

Let me tell you about my outfit I worse today!

Little Red was created by diddjaseethis!

It comes with sizes: Bebe Baby and TD Baby

It includes: Dress, Cape, Shoes, Bom Stockings & Undies and a Basket of Apples with hold animation.

This Little Red outfit can be worn with or without the Bom pants. 

And get this! It is only $150L 

You can find this outfit at The Cove Kids Event going on now through October 31st.

Also be sure to check out more amazing items from diddjaseethis! at the links below.

In-World Stores:

diddjaseethis! (Store #1)

 diddjaseethis! (Store #2)

 Marketplace Store

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Drama Llama-Fall Shennigans


Drama Llama-Fall Shennigans
Hi Friends!

Well after my little adventure through the backyard collecting those pretty leaves I told you about, Once I got back home my dad says "Would you mind helping your brother and I clean up some of the leaves?"

"Dad... I did help, I collected some of the most prettiest ones". I replied as I help out my hands to show him. He smiled as he looked down and seen all the leaves in my hands. "Sweetpea" he says, "Your brother needs a little help with all the rest of the leaves you didn't carry back home". Sighs.. "Ok dad", I whispered under my breath. 

I put my pretty leaves down on the table so I could show mommy when she got home and made my way back outside to help my brother.

I looked around at all the leaf piles that he had raked up already. All I could think of was to run really fast and jump into the pile! But... I held back on that as I didn't want to give him more work to do. Instead I walked over to the biggest of the piles and plopped my bum down, Grabbed my magic book and started to read while my brother continued to rake.

"What are you doing sis?" My brother asked. "I am helping you, Just like dad asked me to do" I replied.

"That does not look like you are helping" He says. I huffed and did my little eye roll at him and said, "I am supervising! That is helping, Plus reading up on my magic skills on how to clone you for when dad needs more help with yard work. But don't worry that part is for your sake. I am doing my part brother, Please continue to do yours". 

A few minutes later my dad comes over. Umm.. Excuse me little miss, Why are you not helping your brother?" He asked. "Dad, I am supervising. That is helping him. I know it is a tough job, But someone has to keep their eye on him". I answered. My dad smiled and started to laugh.. "Yep, that's my little princess" he says as he turns to go talk to my brother.

Let me tell you about this scene I am in!

Fall Shennigans was created by Drama Llama

With over 100 animations for up to 3 kids, or 2 kids 1 parent or couples

It is available at The Cove Kids Event going on now through October 31st.

Drama Llama-Pumpkin Spice Outfit


Drama Llama-Pumpkin Spice
Hi Friends!

It is a crisp cool afternoon here, But thankfully the sun is still shining. I decided it would be a perfect time to wander out the back yard and check out all the colorful trees. I just love this time of year when all the leaves start to change from green to orange and yellow's and even some red tones. It is so beautiful.

While I was wandering through the pretty trees, I decided to collect some of the colorful leaves to show mommy. But then I came across these two perfectly shaped leaves, One was just a little bigger then the other. But they each had a cut out in them which to me at first looked like a half of heart. How sweet is that!

I was just so amazed I found these two leaves out of all the leaves on the ground. It was like destiny or a sign of something. To me it reminded me of mommy and I. You have one big one and one little one, And if you lined them up together just so, It makes a heart.♥ 

You should next time you go outside see if you also can find these unique leaves and put them together. Then its like in all the world two simplest things become one. A heart just so, has become complete.

Before you head out on this adventure of leaves, Be sure to bundle up a bit as its a little crisp outside.

Let me tell you about me outfit I am wearing!

It is called Pumpkin Spice and was created by Drama Llama.

It comes in sizes: LB-Bebe-TDB-Youth & Tweeneedoo

It includes: Top, Pants, Scarf & Boots with a 6 color Hud to mix and match 

You can find this outfit at Thimble Kids Event going on October 20th-5th

Baby Bubbles-Spoopy Outfit


Baby Bubbles-Spoopy Outfit-Llama
Hi Friends!

I hope you all are enjoying all the fun activities for this Halloween season! I know I certainly am.

I am not really into the whole scary stuff but I do like a little spooks around the grid for sure. 

So while a lot of kiddos are out and about screaming at all the spooky stuff, I am here up in my room screaming over all this candy!! Giggles.

Tonight was a epic night for candy, I couldn't believe all the houses this year. I got to go door to door all around the town. It was a lot of walking for my little feet for sure but oh so worth it.

I mean.. Look at all this candy!! I got so many different kinds in my bucket it was over flowing. I event had to start stuffing some in my pockets.

I hope this Halloween no matter where your family and friends take you to go tick or treating, You all get so much candy too!

But before I really dig in to my candy bucket I had to change into some more comfy clothes, You know just incase I need a little extra room. Giggles

Let me tell you about my outfit!

It is called Spoopy Outfit and it was created by Baby Bubbles.

I am wearing the Llama one, I love Llama's! And well my pants have candy all over them which is perfect to go along with all my candy.

It comes in sizes: Toddleedoo, Bebe, Lullabeebs

It includes: Fitmesh cotton onesie with skeleton animal graphic and candy print pants. Pants and onesie can be worn separately or together. Includes mesh canvas shoes.

It is a really cute spooky outfit and get this! It is only $249L

It is available now through the 31st at Spooky Season-Pop Up Event

You can also check out more creations from Baby Bubbles through the links below!

Baby Bubbles MainStore




The Popcorn Tree-At the Zoo

The Popcorn Tree-At the Zoo

 Hi Friends!

You will never believe what I got to do today!

My family and I took a special trip to the zoo, Where we got to have a tour by the zookeepers. We first had to sit through a short class to learn about safety while visiting the animals. We also learned about what they eat and their daily routines. The really nice zookeeper lady asked at the end of the class if anyone wanted to assist her in feeding some of the animals. 

I of coarse jumped at the chance and raised my hand to volunteer. How exciting is this going to be!

The zookeeper lady brought me out to the changing area and let me pick out some suitable clothing to wear around. I saw the perfect little outfit, It just about matched hers!

After I went in the changing room and quickly changed. She told me our first visit on the schedule for feeding. I got even more excited when she said Koala's!! They are just the cutest most cuddly little animals and boy do they love plants. 

As she was refilling their water dishes, I got to play with a few of the little ones. They certainly were clingy to me and loved all the attention. I wish I could bring them home with me! I just love them.

Let me tell you all about my outfit!

It was created by The Popcorn Tree

It is called At the Zoo and comes in sizes: TD, TWD, Bebe and Youth

It is part of a collection of outfits that are all super cute!

All you got to do to get them is play the Miepon Machine down at The Cove Kids Event that is going on now through October 31st.

The At the Zoo Miepon Machine is only $65L per pull at the event! Or you can get the FatPack for just $850L.

Yellow Pants & Khakis with Red belt are only in the fatpack and not part of the miepon

You can check out more creations from The Popcorn Tree & Follow them through the links below:

Friday, October 14, 2022

Baby Bubbles-Pretty Creepy Sweatsuit

Baby Bubbles-Pretty Creepy Sweatsuit

 Hi Friends!

Wait till you hear about this!

So tonight after dinner my dad says.. "Who wants to go on a spooky adventure?" My mom and I just looked at each other like, Oh boy another one of dad's big adventures. Giggles..

Turns out there was this really cool castle haunt walk through up on the hill. They tell some creepy stories about some creepy things that may or may not have happened at this castle. Seems kind of creepy right??

Dad says before we head out we should probably wear something comfy and definitely want to be sure to wear some long sleeves and pants, You know... Just incase anything jumps out at us and try's to grab us!

I'll admit I am pretty creeped out already of the thought. But dad's adventures have always turned out to be pretty cool. So I am just gonna tag along and hope for the best.

I went down to my room to pick out something to wear, Remembering what dad had said about long sleeves and pants. It reminded me about this really awesome outfit I got!

Let me tell you all about it, Before we head out to get creeped out! 

Pretty Creepy Sweatsuit was created by Baby Bubbles

It is available for sizes: Fitmesh Toddleedoo-Bebe-Lullabeebs

It is in a Miepon machine and is only $50L per pull or you can get the FatPack for $499L

Miepon items are Transfer only, So you can collect and share! The FatPack is Copy Only.

This is really cool, Creepy AND Cute!

So there are 26 Letters to collect each pull gets you one initial sweater and matching pants.

It is available at The Cove Kids Event going on now through October 31st.

You can also find more awesome creations from Baby Bubbles here:

Baby Bubbles MainStore

Baby Bubbles MarketPlace 

You can also follow them on:

Baby Bubbles Flickr & Baby Bubbles FaceBook

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Slide-Ghoulia Outfits


Slide-Ghoulia Unicorn
Hi Friends!

You have no idea how excited I am!!!

Oh my gosh! This morning I woke up to the sweetest smell of... Bakery Donuts!!

I quickly got dressed and rushed down to the kitchen. Dad knows I have a weakness for sprinkled donuts from the bakery here in our town. I just can't resist them! I think they must add extra extra sugar in their icing and they always load them up with lots of candy sprinkles. 

I grabbed a plate off the table and dove right into the bakery box. I could hear my little belly grumbling. I couldn't decide which one I wanted to have first so.. I grabbed a few and rushed out of the kitchen to my secret hiding spot in the house. 

As I hopped up on the window seat and took a big bite of my first donut. I was in heaven. So delicious, It is a good thing I wore my stretchy comfy clothes today giggles.

Speaking of comfy clothes! Let me tell you all about this new outfit I have on. You are gonna love it!

Ghoulia Outfits were created by Slide

It comes in sizes: Lullabeebs, Bebe, Toddleedoo, Youth Petite (for smaller shoes) and Youth

There are a bunch to collect in this set! I just love it.

Oh and did I mention you get a complete outfit with every pull! Each pull is only $100L!

That's right! each pull you get a full outfit (shirt, separate pants and shoes) except the rare which is just 3 pairs of special pants (balloons, pumpkins, skeletons). Everything should be mix and match. 

Definitely going to go back and play for some more so I can mix and match!

You can find this super cute collection only at The Cove Kids Event

Going on October 14th-31st.

Also be sure to check out more super cute items at:

 Slide Main Store 

You can also check out their Facebook business page here:

 Slide FB Page

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Braceface-Halloween Collection

Braceface-Halloween Collection

 Hi Friends!

It is getting closer to Halloween!! I am so excited, As this year I get to help hand out candy at my house. It just so happens that our town has decided this year we will have a split a treat day. Which means they have divided half the neighborhood to hand out candy for the first hour of the night, So the other half of the neighborhood kids can be able to go door to door trick or treating with their families. Then at the strike of the second hour we switch. So the half that handed out candy gets their turn to go trick or treating at the other half of the neighborhood. This way no kids get left out from the fun or the door to door experience. 

I think it is a super cool thing our town is trying out this year. But best of all, All the kiddos get to go around in their costumes and get some much needed candy!

My neighborhood was first up to hand out candy, So I helped mommy get our super huge candy bowl ready. We filled it up with all kinds of different candy so there is something for everyone to pick from that they like. 

But! of coarse I had to also start to get more in the spirit to not have the urge while holding this bowl to eat all the candy myself. I decided to put on an encouraging shirt for the mood I was in! I think it is fitting giggles.. It reads "Getting Candy Wasted"

Let me tell you about my outfit!

Halloween Collection was created by Braceface

There are 7 Outfits in this collection to pick from:

Candy Wasted (As shown in my picture)

Candy Corn

Give Me Candy

Just Creepin

Pretty Wicked

You Glow Girl

Each outfit includes: Top/Skirt/Bow and a Mix and Match color HUD with 6 different colors. They come with sizes TD & BEBE

Each outfit is only $200L

You can find them at: The Cove Kids Event 

October 14th-31st

Also be sure to check out more creations from Braceface at:

In-World: Braceface Main Store

MarketPlace: Braceface MP Store

Flickr: Braceface Flickr

Facebook: Braceface FB Page

Kitty Kate-Hudson Family Room

Kitty Kate-Hudson Family Room

 Hi Friends!

Finally I have the family room to myself! Goodness, Sometimes it is hard to get some quiet time in the family room and relax and watch some of my kids movies. Usually my siblings all rush to the family room to put on their shows and well.. Not today! Giggles, Today they all had plans with their friends and I took that time to sneak into the family room while mommy was on the phone in the kitchen preparing us some lunch and before my daddy got home and put the news or some car show on! 

I quickly grabbed some pillows and some stuffies and made my way to the sofa. Ahh.. relaxing! all to myself. I grabbed the remote and put on the new kids dinosaur movie I been waiting to watch, Sat back with my dino stuffies and kicked up my feets. 

This sofa is so comfortable, I could probably take my nap right here, But I am going to try and stay awake and watch my movie and wait for lunch to be ready. Oh! *Glances over at the new throw blankets* Yep, Might just need to cover up and rest my little eyes.

Let me tell you about this family room! Your going to love it, It is a must have for sure.

The Hudson Family Room was created by Kitty Kate

It is compatible for: Parent/s-Toddleedoo-Lullabeebs & Zooby

It includes:

Family Sofa-In 2 versions to choose from. One for Child avi's and one for Zooby/Child avi's

Sofa has Animations and Some rezzable props.

Family Chair 1 & 2

Chairs has Animations and Some rezzable props.

Family Room Console

Family Room Rug

Family Wall Art

Family Room Tall Lamp & Table Lamp

Family Room Side Table

Family Room Coffee Table (With rezzable Decor's, Pizza & Train)

Also included is a Zooby Extras Pack that has Boppy's and a Snack Tray

You can currently find it here: Shop & Hop

Also be sure to check out more amazing creations from Kitty Kate, By visiting In-World & Marketplace.

InWorld: Kitty Kate Main Store

MarketPlace: Kitty Kate MarketPlace

Kitty Kate-Halloween Party House

Kitty Kate-Halloween Party House

 Hi Friends!

It is fall season!!!! \O/ I just love fall, All the trees are changing to beautiful colors and the air is just a little bit brisk. But besides the changing colors and air, My favorite part of fall is all the Halloween parties and pumpkin picking and decorating that is going on. You see I just love to decorate, So when my friends and I decided to plan a Halloween party in my backyard I knew just the place to go to some stuff this year.

As I was browsing around looking for all things fall and Halloween that came out recently I came across this really cool Halloween Party House. I just couldn't resist checking it out as it was just the perfect setting we would need for our party that would work for different size kiddos. Let me tell you about it!

The Halloween Party House & Party Set was created by Kitty Kate.

It is compatible for: Zooby Animesh-Lullabeebs & Toddleedoo

It Includes: 

Halloween House

Halloween Deco Table

Halloween Table Toddleedoo & Zooby

Ghost for Zooby Newborn/Lullabeebs

You can find it here: FASHION BEBE EVENT

You can also find more amazing things created by Kitty Kate Here: 

Main Store: Kitty Kate Main Store

Market Place: Kitty Kate Market Place