Sunday, October 16, 2022

diddjaseethis!-Little Red


diddjaseethis!-Little Red
Hi Friends!

Good morning! I hope you all have enjoyed your weekend, It goes by so fast. I can't believe it is already Sunday!

I happen to look forward to Sunday mornings every weekend though. It is the day I get to go to the farmers market and pick out fresh apples to bring to grandma's house. She is always making some delicious recipes with them.

Today grandma is planning to make a fresh crisp apple pie! Yummm... One of my favorite fall recipes to make with my grandma. 

After I made my way down to the farmers market and picked out some of their freshest apples, I quickly realized that maybe I picked up to many. But, without panicking, I did my little whistle song out to call for some help. 

My friend Wolfy came running from behind the forest right on over to me. You may all look at him and think, The big bad wolf!! Eeek! But have no fear, I promise you Wolfy is my friend. He loves to help and take walks with me to grandma's house. I am grateful for him, He is such a good wolfy always looking out for me and guards grandma's house. Plus he is super strong, So I am always lucky to be able to call on him to help with my bundles of fruits I get from the market. 

Once we arrived at grandma's house it was time to get ready to bake! Wolfy stuck around a bit after helping and grandma gave him a few of the apples to bring back to his family so they could have a treat too. 

After Wolfy was given his apples from grandma it was time for us to roll up our sleeves and start making some pies. 

I will save you a piece of grandma's fresh apple pie when it is all done! 

Let me tell you about my outfit I worse today!

Little Red was created by diddjaseethis!

It comes with sizes: Bebe Baby and TD Baby

It includes: Dress, Cape, Shoes, Bom Stockings & Undies and a Basket of Apples with hold animation.

This Little Red outfit can be worn with or without the Bom pants. 

And get this! It is only $150L 

You can find this outfit at The Cove Kids Event going on now through October 31st.

Also be sure to check out more amazing items from diddjaseethis! at the links below.

In-World Stores:

diddjaseethis! (Store #1)

 diddjaseethis! (Store #2)

 Marketplace Store

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