Saturday, October 15, 2022

Drama Llama-Pumpkin Spice Outfit


Drama Llama-Pumpkin Spice
Hi Friends!

It is a crisp cool afternoon here, But thankfully the sun is still shining. I decided it would be a perfect time to wander out the back yard and check out all the colorful trees. I just love this time of year when all the leaves start to change from green to orange and yellow's and even some red tones. It is so beautiful.

While I was wandering through the pretty trees, I decided to collect some of the colorful leaves to show mommy. But then I came across these two perfectly shaped leaves, One was just a little bigger then the other. But they each had a cut out in them which to me at first looked like a half of heart. How sweet is that!

I was just so amazed I found these two leaves out of all the leaves on the ground. It was like destiny or a sign of something. To me it reminded me of mommy and I. You have one big one and one little one, And if you lined them up together just so, It makes a heart.♥ 

You should next time you go outside see if you also can find these unique leaves and put them together. Then its like in all the world two simplest things become one. A heart just so, has become complete.

Before you head out on this adventure of leaves, Be sure to bundle up a bit as its a little crisp outside.

Let me tell you about me outfit I am wearing!

It is called Pumpkin Spice and was created by Drama Llama.

It comes in sizes: LB-Bebe-TDB-Youth & Tweeneedoo

It includes: Top, Pants, Scarf & Boots with a 6 color Hud to mix and match 

You can find this outfit at Thimble Kids Event going on October 20th-5th

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