Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Kitty Kate-Level Enhancement Playtime Cubes


Kitty Kate-Level Enhancement Playtime Cubes
Hi Friends!

Ouchhh! today started off with a big ouch when I woke up.

My goodness I had a toothache :(

Mommy says it is because I ate to much candy at the party yesterday.

But I of course didn't think I did.. Giggles 

Though I think she just may be right, My little tooth hurts so much this morning that mommy called the dentist and made me an appointment. They got me an appointment right away.

Once we arrived, We had to check in with the nice lady at the front desk. Mommy told me I could head over to the play area while she filled out some papers for the dentist.

I smiled and Oh Ouch! my tooth. I tried to hold my little cheek thinking it might help the pain go away at least so I could play with these toys.

I think this is the only reason I don't mind going to appointments. They always have really neat things to play with in the kids area for when we have to wait a long time to go in.

My dentist has the best ones by far! Let me tell you about them!

They are created by: Kitty Kate

They are called: Level Enhancement Play Cubes

You can change the colors! It has Rezzable Toys & Animations for you to have fun with!

You can find them here: Kitty Kate Marketplace Store

Friday, August 26, 2022

Kitty Kate-Little People Playset


Kitty Kate-Little People Playset
Hi Friends!

Today I snuck into my little brothers room,

..Shhh! Don't tell on me, I just had to.

He got this super cool new Little People Playset from Grandma yesterday. It is awesome!! 

So, while he was at daycare, I snuck into his playroom to try it out. I got to play in my own little make believe town without any distractions from my little brother. When he got it, He wouldn't let me play with the cool stuff, Only said you sit there sissy and watch. 

Well... Now I can try it for myself! Giggles

I wanted to pretend I was a pilot and got to fly the passengers in my helicopter to a secret destination vacation. I had the coolest helicopter at the airport, All the guests would come driving through just to see my helicopter! 

My biggest fan was Mr. Fluffs, He loves to drive his little car around the airport and watch all the planes and helicopters take off.

I haven't seen him book a flight yet, I think he just loves to watch them while cruising around in his little car catching the breeze.

Or maybe he does such a thing while waiting for his families flight to come in and he does circles around to avoid paying for a parking spot.. Giggles.

After playing awhile I realized, I just got to call Grandma and ask her for this Little People Playset!

You too should definitely ask for one or if you saved up all your allowance can go buy one yourself.

Let me tell you about it and where to get it! 

It was created by: Kitty Kate

It is called: Little People Playset

Compatible for: Toddleedoo & Zooby Animesh with Parent Menu 

2 Versions are included: One with moving cars & One with Static non-moving cars

You can purchase yours today!

Click here: {KK} Marketplace Store-Little People Playset

Kitty Kate-Bounceroo

Kitty Kate-Bounceroo (Updated)

 Hi Friends!

Today was such a relaxing day, Much needed after a long week. It was so nice outside. The sun was shining and there was just a slight cool breeze blowing around. Ahh... refreshing!

I decided it would be a perfect day to just hang out in the backyard with mommy. While she did some yard work stuff in her garden, I went over to one of my favorite spots and climbed into my new Bounceroo!

This Bounceroo is so comfortable to sit in and relax and play. It doesn't even hurt you legs! It has some really nice cushion to keep you comfortable while playing. It has some toys to play with and if you get thirsty it has a sippy cup for you. What a life! I can just sit back play or bounce and have my juice!

You can enjoy it too! A must have for any kiddo's to play in. Let me tell you a bit about it!

It was created by: Kitty Kate

It is called: Bounceroo

It has just been update recently with toys and now compatible for TD & LB Kiddos!!

If you have already purchased it, You can get a free redelivery to enjoy these updates.

Color changes: The frame, seat and play tray each have their own color menu with lots of choice

You can find it here:


Monday, August 22, 2022

Slide-Gavin Outfit

Slide-Gavin Outfit

 Hi Friends!

I am officially on my way for vacation!!

I am so excited to be traveling for the next 2 weeks with my grandma. She planned a really fun filled vacation for us. First we are going to Florida for 1 week to go to the theme parks and see all our favorite characters. Then we go on another plane ride all the way over to California to the other theme parks and also when we go there we get to visit my older sissy! I'm so excited.

We had to wake up extra early to get to the airport shuttle. It was so packed! I guess a lot of people are are traveling today too! 

Once we arrived at the airport we tried to make our way through the crowd as quick as we could as we were running a few minutes behind. Grandma found just around the corner the escalator! No one was on it yet, I guess we beat them to it I said to grandma with a big smile on my face. "Kaycee be careful and be sure to hold on to the rail" Grandma says. I looked over at her in excitement and hopped up on the rail. "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I always wanted to do this grandma" I yelled. "Oh my gosh Kaycee" Grandma says as she starts to laugh. She knew it was gonna happen... giggles.

"Come on Grandma, Its fun and no one is here to stop us!" I yelled.

~About my outfit~

It was created by: Slide

It is called: Gavin Outfit

It includes: Tank & Shorts

It comes in sizes: Bebe & TD

There are 4 Styles to choose from: Palms, Stars, Stripes & Mini Stars

It is: $135L (that's 10% off) or $405L (10% off price)

It is available at: The Cove Kids Event


Slide Store Information:

Landmark to In-Store: 


Store FaceBook:


Saturday, August 20, 2022

Baby Bubbles-Bookworm


Baby Bubbles: Bookworm

Hi Friends!

Today was a sunny sunshine beautiful day!

The clouds are so fluffy and there was a nice cool little breeze. I thought what a perfect day to take a walk through the flower fields with Princess. 

I love to walk through the fields and see all the pretty color flowers, Princess likes to sniff them all of course! So we stop at each different one along our walk.

My favorite are the sunflowers! They grow so tall and have huge yellow petals on them. They remind me of the sun =)

When Princess and I reached the sunflowers we stopped to admire how big they have grown since our last walk. There are a bunch now taller then me! 

Oh! see this one here *points* this one is just my height. Even Princess found some that are just her height too!

They are so pretty, Just like my new dress. Let me tell you about it!

It was created by: Baby Bubbles

It is called: Bookworm

It  comes in sizes: BB/LB/TD

It is Fit-mesh corduroy dress in your favorite school colors, with BOM Mid Socks, Mesh color changing headband and black mesh Mary Janes.

Price is: $50L per pull

It is available at: The Cove Kids Event

Baby Bubbles Information:

In-World: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Roselline/63/242/23

MP: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/112676

FLICKR https://www.flickr.com/photos/194050061@N06/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/babybubblesSL

Sweet Dreams-Back to School Bed


Sweet Dreams: Back to School Bed

Hi Friends!

Today was a great day at school! We are learning to read a new book all about animals and the habitats they live in, Things they like to eat and do through out their day.

After lunch and recess it was quiet time at school. Which is usually the term for time to take a nap!

Some of the kids though do not nap like the younger ones do, So our teacher has us sit and read quietly while the younger kids nap. 

However! Today little Lilli didn't want to nap... Giggles. I sat down on the rug beside her and opened up the animal book. Thinking if I read to her quietly she would fall asleep. 

Welp! Little Lilli had other plans, You see once I got to the page about monkeys.... She jumps up and starts jumping on her bed singing 5 Little monkeys jumping on the bed song! Umph... I couldn't help but giggles. She was just to cute and having so much fun singing the monkey song. 

I tried to whisper... "Psst Lilli you got to lay down for quiet time, We don't want to get in trouble"

Oh, but she like I said, Had other plans of singing her little heart out about the monkeys jumping on the bed. What was I to do but let her have a little fun and make sure she didn't fall off and bump her head!

~About the Bed~

It was created by: Sweet Dreams

It is called: Back to School Bed

It comes with 14 fun-filled poses including Sleeping, Being Awake, Fun Jumps

And! Even Faking Sick, you know so you don't have to go to school.. Giggles

You get a Pink and a Blue version of the bed. 

The bed is only 8LI with Copy permissions.

It is available at: The Cove Kids Event

Shark Tail Fashion-Dear Teacher

Shark Tail Fashion-Dear Teacher

 Hi Friends!

So... Today I got in a little bit of trouble at school *sighs* I mean I am not really sure how it is even possible my cute little self got in trouble. I clearly came with a note!

You see what happened was...

The whole class just came in when the school bell rang, As we were all finding our seats everyone was saying hi to each other. Then I noticed my best friend is in my homeroom class! So of course I had to go over and give her hugs and say hi! But then... The teacher walked in just as I was doing that. 

"Kaycee" The teacher says in a stern voice. I froze and my eyes opened really big! All the kids were like "Ooooooo". I turned around slowly "Yes, Ms. Grouch?" I whispered. Oh! that wasn't a whisper. *facepalms* "Please follow me Kaycee" The teacher says. 

She brings me out to the hallway and closes the door so the other kids don't hear her. "Now Kaycee do you understand why you are in trouble? she asked. I quickly shake my head no, and put on the cutest sad face, You know the one that usually works on grown ups. "There is no talking in the classroom after the bell rings, "So you will now sit outside the door here to do your assignment away from the others." she says. "But, My brother made me this note", As I point to my overalls. "He said it was like a get out of jail card like in monopoly" I replied. 

I could see my teacher try to hold back a laugh as she looked down at my overalls. "Ok, Kaycee please take a seat here at this desk and work on your assignment. I will come out to check how you are doing in just a bit." she says. Ok, I replied as I sat down and reached for a pencil. 

Once the teacher went back into the classroom, I waited till I could hear her start to talk to the class. Then I hopped up out of my seat and ran down to my locker to grab a snack. I then climbed up and sat on top of the desk and opened my back of twisters. I figure if I am going to be in trouble I might as well make it well worth it and load up on some sugar! #Cute Rebel Kid.

~About my outfit!~

It was created by: Shark Tail Fashion

It is called: Dear Teacher

It comes in sizes: TD Fitted-Bebe Toddler-Bebe Toddler Chonk

It includes: Overalls & Shoes 

It is available at: The Cove Kids Event


Shark Tail Fashion Information:

In-World Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Detroit%20Star%20City/243/103/3911

Marketplace Link: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/185562

Friday, August 19, 2022

Drama Llama-Holy Cow Outfit


Drama Llama-Holy Cow Outfit

Hi Friends!

Oh my gosh!! Today I got my first real cellphone! I was so excited to finally have my very own and not have to sneak onto my big sisters or use my moms when she didn't have it attached to her ear.

I spent all afternoon reading directions on how to set up the phone and all these cool features it has. Did you know, I can download apps on this thing and chat to all my friends anytime I want! Or play games on it? There is so much stuff I can do with my very own cellphone!

Ok! But lets me real for a minute, So there is this really cool app I found and downloaded Snap something? I forget the exact name of it. But! You add all your friends and can take selfies and send to them! So cool right. I just had to try it, But first I needed to practice taking selfies with the camera on this phone. Definitely watch out when you click zoom! Oh my gosh, way to close to my face! 

I practiced over and over, I am guessing I took about 20 or so selfies before I finally got a good angle. I just had to line it up to capture my new cute outfit. Once I got it, Well... My shirt says it all! Giggles.

Holy Cow I'm Cute!! Gasp... "You go girl", Rocking those cute little pig tails and cutest outfit ever, I said to myself as I see myself on the phone screen! 

Ok, Now to hold the phone steady and click the button while remaining all cute.

Wait till my friends all see this! And.. 3, 2, 1, Moooo!! (Camera snaps and flashes) Oh! my eyes! wow that is a bright flashy thing goodness. Hang on my eyes are seeing stars! Ok... And sent! \O/

~About my outfit!~

It was created by: Drama Llama

It is called: Holy Cow Outfit

It comes in sizes: BB-TDB-LB-Youth and Tweeneedoo

They can be purchased separately or in a FatPack 

•See below for the different sayings!•

It is available at: Thimble a Kids Event

Also while your visiting Drama Llama's booth be sure to grab up some of these cute Squishkin Cows in the Miepon machine (see Ad below)!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Kitty Kate-TDB/LB Mega Floaty Pack

Kitty Kate-TDB/LB Mega Floaty Pack

 Hi Friends!

Today we had a half day at school! I was so happy to get out early as it was so hot in the classrooms. The air conditioners broke!! It was scorching, So it felt as if I was a melting buckets of cuteness. 

Lucky for me getting out early as my mom was still at work, But it just so happened that my big sister had the day off! So she came to pick me up from school.

Soon as we got into the car it felt amazinggggggg............. Ahhhh!! Nice cool air blowing on my face and feet. My sister had her car AC blaring. I quickly buckled my seatbelt and leaned back in the chair and just enjoyed the cool air.

As we drove off my sister says, "Hey sissy, You want to go swimming" Mom still has the pool open.

I smiled from ear to ear and shouted, "Yes"!!

Once we arrived at home, I made a run for it to the backyard. I quickly went into the pool house to change into my swimsuit and I was off to cool off!

I jumped into the pool not even thinking if it would be ice cold or not, I just went for it!

My sister was in the pool house turned on some good tunes for us to listen to and started dragging out our new floats we got this year. "Pick which one you want sissy" She says. 

I laughed, "You know I will always pick a unicorn if there is a unicorn sissy" I said. But then again all the new ones we got are super cute!

Let me tell you about them!

They are created by: Kitty Kate

They are called: TDB/LB Mega Floaty Pack 

The pack includes: Unicorn, Duck, Dino, Mermaid

They are sized for: Toddleedoo Baby & Lullabeebs

They are available here at Kitty Kate's Marketplace Store

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Drama Llama Fox Collection and Squishkins Fox Miepon


Drama Llama Fox Collection and Squishkins Fox Miepon

Hi Friends!

Oh my goodness am I exhausted!

All day at school and running around at recess with my friends, Then when I got home my cousins were at my house visiting so of course we had to run around and play outside till dinner!

After dinner and doing all my homework I decided to just plop myself down in my moms room with my juice, while she ran my bath. It was a struggles to say the least to keep my eyes open. 

Next thing I barely heard was my mom calling for me "Kaycee your bath is ready"

I could barely lift my arm as I mumbled.. "5 more minutes mommy". I was down for the count, Comfy right here with my Squishkins , my juice and my blanket. 

"Come on Kaycee it is bath time, It is getting late" my mom yells from the bathroom.

"Mhmm yep coming mommy" I replied. I turn my head and get more comfy. I am just to comfortable and sleepy to move from this very spot. 

Sleep sweet my friends, Until my mom calls for me again, I know I will.... Zzzzz........

~What I have for you~

Fox Collection Miepon

Sizes Available: TDB-Tweeneedoo-Bebe-LB and Youth

Each Saying style comes in 5 colors 

Available also in a FatPack

Squishkins Fox Miepon

9 Different Squishkins including 3 RARES

Both are Created by: Drama Llama

Available at: The Cove Kids Event 

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Drama Llama-Spunky N Cute


Drama Llama-Spunky N Cute

Hi Friends!

Today is the day! I have been waiting all week to go to dance class with my new friends from school. We all signed up right away, Soon as we heard about it.

I was so excited as I always wanted to go to dance class and really learn some new moves and well of course have fun and hopefully our group gets picked for the year end dance show!

So, last weekend my mom did car pool for my friends. It's a thing I guess parents take turn driving us to and from school or activities. Well after school pick up she took us all to the store so we could pick out matching outfits for our first class. 

We found the most perfect outfits created by Drama Llama called Spunky N Cute at Woodland Kids Event. They truly represent us kiddos for sure! We are a bit spunky and of course cute.. Giggles.

Any who! Today was they day for our class, I hurried up and got ready in my new outfit, Fluffed up my hair and headed outside to wait for my friends mom to arrive. My friends mom drives one of those mini vans so it could fit all of us girls. 

As I was waiting for them to pull up Scruffy decided he wanted to wait with me "I think he just likes all the attention he gets from my friends" Giggles.

Oh! I see them pulling down the driveway. Scruffy look here they come!

I quickly yell out to my mom "They are here mom, Love you" 

"Wait", My mom yells back, Awee.. Mom please please don't embarrass me in front of my friends.

And...there goes Scruffy straight for my friends, I whispered as he takes off toward the van.

As my friends are all babying Scruffy and the mom's do their mom talking thing, I climb into the back seat and buckle up. "Ok! We got to go mom, We don't want to be late for dance class" I say. 

"Ok girls have fun, Let your spunk shine and don't let your cuteness whine" my mom says. 

*Facepalms* And there it is... Embarrassing moment in front of my friends...

~About my outfit~

Spunky N Cute was created by Drama Llama

It comes in a variety of Colors and also a FatPack to have them all!

It includes: Dress & Bow (Matching shoes are sold separately)

It comes in sizes: LB, BB Chonk, BB, TDB, Youth, Youth Chonk and Tweeneedoo

It is available at Woodland Kids Event

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Slide-Wizard Outfit


Slide-Wizard Outfit

Hi Friends!

Oh boy what a day it was today, I so could of used some help! I mean I can laugh about it now, But I sure was in a panic crisis earlier while babysitting my younger sisters. 

I thought and you know I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea, But it seemed good in my head at that time. I thought I could entertain my sisters while also practicing for our school talent show.

Not such a good idea! I brought my sisters down to the basement where my Dad has his workshop and gathered all my wizard books and supplies it says I would need. I gave each sister something to do, So they can help me and well.. be entertained for awhile. 

Ok! Lets begin. Baby Ry will be in charge of green potion, Moll you will be in charge of the blue potion, I will be in charge of the yellow potion and reading instructions. Ready! Here we go.

Step 1. Add 3 drops of blue and 2 drops of yellow into the bucket.

Step 2. Wave your special wizard wand and repeat this mumbo jumbo wording.. Huh??

Welp, Here goes nothing.. We added the drops and I waved my wand reading... Well trying to read these words. And..! "Tada!" I yelled...

My sister Moll began to laugh, HaHa it didn't do nothing sissy. Ry started to giggle and point at me as she sipped on her bottle. Hmm.. I wonder what went wrong?

Ohhhhhh! What in the world is that! All of a sudden a mysterious orange fish was swimming around us.. We all looked as if we seen something crazy! Well... It was crazy, I mean how is there a fish swimming in mid air around us? Is that a soda can for a body? Oh my goodness, Ok we got to fix this, I said. Lets try the next one!

As I start to repeat the same instructions but this time we tried it with 2 drops green and 2 drops yellow. I wave my wand and try to read the words again, My sister Moll starts to laugh. "Shhh! or it wont work", I said. I start to waves my wand again and I could hear her mumbling still.. 

AND.......... "TADA!" I yelled. 

I Burst out laughing!

Oh Moll, Now look you have duck tape on your mouth! Baby Ry starts to giggle. Moll trys to talk but hmm.. We can't understand what your saying Moll... She trys to talk louder.. Huh? What you say Moll?? I laugh and whisper.. I told you to Shh! when I was reading those words. Moll rolls her eyes at me.

Ok Ok! One more time lets give it a try. Ry you ready? I asked. Ry lets out a giggle. This time we will try maybe adding a little extra then what the instruction say. So lets try 4 drops yellow, 2 drops blue and 1 drop green. 

I wave my wand and repeat the words again. And..... "TADA!" I Yelled.

Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! what happened! Ry starts to giggle. Ry seriously something is wrong with my eyes!! I reach my hands up to my face slowly yanking on these... Slinky Eyes?? Oh my word!

At this point Moll has managed to get the duck tape off her mouth and says in a snarky voice.. "That's what you get sissy neener neener neener" 

"We have some serious issues going on here sisters", I say. I think we better stop before more of this nonsense keeps happening. Maybe Dad can help us figure it out later, And I'll be a pro in time for the talent show!

As we start to clean up the mess, Baby Ry was still all full of giggles and bouncing around the room. What is up with her I think to myself... Crazy baby.

"Umm.. Sissy" Moll calls for me, I umm think there is something going on with Ry. She is umm.. Dipping her bottle in the bucket of green stuff and drinking it!

(Dun Dun Dun O.O!!!!!) Oh No!!!!! Quick take that away from her sissy.. She's all jacked up on mountain green goo!!

~To be continued....Maybe! Giggles =)

 •Let me tell you about our outfits!•

They are created by: Slide

They are called: Wizard Outfit

They are Original Mesh Outfits in Wizardly Colors

They come in sizes:

Lullabeebs, Bebe Chonk, Bebe,  TD, Youth, Youth Chonk, Tweeneedoo

You can purchase them for: $224L each (that's 10% off) OR $630L FatPack (10% off price)

They are available at: The Cove Kids Event going on August 14th-28th 

Slide Information:

IN-World Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scorpion%20Cove/207/196/38

Store Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Slidesecondlife

Tilted Halo-SoftSpot Dress

Tilted Halo-SoftSpot Dress

 Hi Friends!

Wow! That is all I can say.... 

It is only the first week of school and we already have piles of books, homework, stacks of papers for our parents to fill out. I mean my poor desk is overflowing! 

I even have more they will be handing out! I am definitely going to need a bigger desk and about 10 arms and oh! geesh maybe a truck to lug it all back to school!

I tried to tell my big sister about all of this when I got home today, She just laughed and said, "Kaycee" It is all part of growing up and going to a bigger school sweetheart" Sighs...

Even Milo my dog wasn't feeling it either, He decided he was going to just curl up and take a snooze!

How will I ever get all of this done? Maybe I need some snacks and some juice to get me motivated.

Thinks for a minute.. "Yeah! lets go get us some snacks and juice, We will deal with this mess later!

But before I go, Let me tell you about my new dress I wore to school today! I got so many compliments on it. I just love it!

It was created by: Tilted Halo

It is called: SoftSpot Dress

It includes: Dress and also comes with Heart Leggings (Applier)

It comes in sizes: TWD & YOUTH

There are 4 colors to pick from!

It is available at The Cove Kids Event August 14th-28th

And get this! Its marked at a bargain price of only $150L Each!

Also Tilted Halo made some really cute matching Canvas Shoes to match plus 4 other cute designs for only $150L each. 
(Be sure to look for them at their second booth)