Saturday, August 13, 2022

Slide-Wizard Outfit


Slide-Wizard Outfit

Hi Friends!

Oh boy what a day it was today, I so could of used some help! I mean I can laugh about it now, But I sure was in a panic crisis earlier while babysitting my younger sisters. 

I thought and you know I don't know why I thought it would be a good idea, But it seemed good in my head at that time. I thought I could entertain my sisters while also practicing for our school talent show.

Not such a good idea! I brought my sisters down to the basement where my Dad has his workshop and gathered all my wizard books and supplies it says I would need. I gave each sister something to do, So they can help me and well.. be entertained for awhile. 

Ok! Lets begin. Baby Ry will be in charge of green potion, Moll you will be in charge of the blue potion, I will be in charge of the yellow potion and reading instructions. Ready! Here we go.

Step 1. Add 3 drops of blue and 2 drops of yellow into the bucket.

Step 2. Wave your special wizard wand and repeat this mumbo jumbo wording.. Huh??

Welp, Here goes nothing.. We added the drops and I waved my wand reading... Well trying to read these words. And..! "Tada!" I yelled...

My sister Moll began to laugh, HaHa it didn't do nothing sissy. Ry started to giggle and point at me as she sipped on her bottle. Hmm.. I wonder what went wrong?

Ohhhhhh! What in the world is that! All of a sudden a mysterious orange fish was swimming around us.. We all looked as if we seen something crazy! Well... It was crazy, I mean how is there a fish swimming in mid air around us? Is that a soda can for a body? Oh my goodness, Ok we got to fix this, I said. Lets try the next one!

As I start to repeat the same instructions but this time we tried it with 2 drops green and 2 drops yellow. I wave my wand and try to read the words again, My sister Moll starts to laugh. "Shhh! or it wont work", I said. I start to waves my wand again and I could hear her mumbling still.. 

AND.......... "TADA!" I yelled. 

I Burst out laughing!

Oh Moll, Now look you have duck tape on your mouth! Baby Ry starts to giggle. Moll trys to talk but hmm.. We can't understand what your saying Moll... She trys to talk louder.. Huh? What you say Moll?? I laugh and whisper.. I told you to Shh! when I was reading those words. Moll rolls her eyes at me.

Ok Ok! One more time lets give it a try. Ry you ready? I asked. Ry lets out a giggle. This time we will try maybe adding a little extra then what the instruction say. So lets try 4 drops yellow, 2 drops blue and 1 drop green. 

I wave my wand and repeat the words again. And..... "TADA!" I Yelled.

Oh my gosh! oh my gosh! what happened! Ry starts to giggle. Ry seriously something is wrong with my eyes!! I reach my hands up to my face slowly yanking on these... Slinky Eyes?? Oh my word!

At this point Moll has managed to get the duck tape off her mouth and says in a snarky voice.. "That's what you get sissy neener neener neener" 

"We have some serious issues going on here sisters", I say. I think we better stop before more of this nonsense keeps happening. Maybe Dad can help us figure it out later, And I'll be a pro in time for the talent show!

As we start to clean up the mess, Baby Ry was still all full of giggles and bouncing around the room. What is up with her I think to myself... Crazy baby.

"Umm.. Sissy" Moll calls for me, I umm think there is something going on with Ry. She is umm.. Dipping her bottle in the bucket of green stuff and drinking it!

(Dun Dun Dun O.O!!!!!) Oh No!!!!! Quick take that away from her sissy.. She's all jacked up on mountain green goo!!

~To be continued....Maybe! Giggles =)

 •Let me tell you about our outfits!•

They are created by: Slide

They are called: Wizard Outfit

They are Original Mesh Outfits in Wizardly Colors

They come in sizes:

Lullabeebs, Bebe Chonk, Bebe,  TD, Youth, Youth Chonk, Tweeneedoo

You can purchase them for: $224L each (that's 10% off) OR $630L FatPack (10% off price)

They are available at: The Cove Kids Event going on August 14th-28th 

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