Saturday, August 20, 2022

Shark Tail Fashion-Dear Teacher

Shark Tail Fashion-Dear Teacher

 Hi Friends!

So... Today I got in a little bit of trouble at school *sighs* I mean I am not really sure how it is even possible my cute little self got in trouble. I clearly came with a note!

You see what happened was...

The whole class just came in when the school bell rang, As we were all finding our seats everyone was saying hi to each other. Then I noticed my best friend is in my homeroom class! So of course I had to go over and give her hugs and say hi! But then... The teacher walked in just as I was doing that. 

"Kaycee" The teacher says in a stern voice. I froze and my eyes opened really big! All the kids were like "Ooooooo". I turned around slowly "Yes, Ms. Grouch?" I whispered. Oh! that wasn't a whisper. *facepalms* "Please follow me Kaycee" The teacher says. 

She brings me out to the hallway and closes the door so the other kids don't hear her. "Now Kaycee do you understand why you are in trouble? she asked. I quickly shake my head no, and put on the cutest sad face, You know the one that usually works on grown ups. "There is no talking in the classroom after the bell rings, "So you will now sit outside the door here to do your assignment away from the others." she says. "But, My brother made me this note", As I point to my overalls. "He said it was like a get out of jail card like in monopoly" I replied. 

I could see my teacher try to hold back a laugh as she looked down at my overalls. "Ok, Kaycee please take a seat here at this desk and work on your assignment. I will come out to check how you are doing in just a bit." she says. Ok, I replied as I sat down and reached for a pencil. 

Once the teacher went back into the classroom, I waited till I could hear her start to talk to the class. Then I hopped up out of my seat and ran down to my locker to grab a snack. I then climbed up and sat on top of the desk and opened my back of twisters. I figure if I am going to be in trouble I might as well make it well worth it and load up on some sugar! #Cute Rebel Kid.

~About my outfit!~

It was created by: Shark Tail Fashion

It is called: Dear Teacher

It comes in sizes: TD Fitted-Bebe Toddler-Bebe Toddler Chonk

It includes: Overalls & Shoes 

It is available at: The Cove Kids Event


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