Thursday, August 11, 2022

Kinderstrudle-Golly Outfit


Kinderstrudle-Golly Outfit

Hi Friends!

So today was a strange day to say the least. My family went over to have dinner with our neighbors, Which is a normal thing we do every so often. My mom usually host the dinners at our house, But this time our neighbor decided she wanted to give my mom a break from cooking and baking and host for us.

My mom was thrilled to have a night off from cooking and baking, She couldn't wait to see what the neighbors were going to come up with. But after dinner, Which I will admit wasn't all that bad tasting, Something strange seemed to have happened with dessert!

Our neighbor says, She had it all set aside in the kitchen with plates and utensils, All ready to bring out to the dining room for everyone. But when she went to get it out of the kitchen she noticed a piece of the cake had been cut and the frosting clumped over to try to cover it up.

My mom said, "Hmmm.. now who would be so clever to have done such a thing without anyone noticing." 

You see my mom is a very smart detective, She knows my love for cake and my dog Wrinkles love for frosting. She really thought she solved the mystery on who did it.

Wrinkles and I stood there with the most innocent faces. "Mom look at our faces...Why would we do such a thing? I said." She smiled and moved along looking to other family members for clues.

As my mom walked out of the room, I glanced down at Wrinkles.. 

I Gasps as I noticed he has a dab of frosting on his paw!....

"Hurry up Wrinkles we got to wipes that frosting off before you get us grounded, I whispered to him"

As I was hurrying to clean his paw from the frosting, I told Wrinkles we really got to work on his sneaking food skills... Giggles.

I'm just glad he didn't get us in trouble or wipes his paw on my new favorite outfit! Let me tell you about it.

My outfit was created by Kinderstrudle and is called Golly Outfit.

It is Fitted for Tweeneedoo and includes: Top/Bottoms & Shoes (Shoes are Unrigged & Resizeable) 

It is available at KIDOODLED Event going on now through August 23rd. 

Each outfit is for sale at a really good price! 125L$ or 100L$ for Kinderstrudle Group Members

Golly Outfit is available in 4 versions (See below)


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